U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley speaks to Paul Ryan’s best media friend John Dickerson about Russia, China, Tweeting and finally U.N. food relief.

Haley did surprisingly (very surprisingly) well in this interview with CBS swamp defender John Dickerson on Fact The Nation.

After reminding Dickerson eleventy times that diplomatic U.N. heads are not concerned about the U.S.’s insufferable ‘Vast Muh Russia Conspiracy‘ narrative; and after eventually getting beyond the “but what about Trump’s tweets” angle; Haley appropriately presented a solid U.S. policy that President Trump’s focus toward humanitarian relief is first eliminating the fraud and corruption within the destination of the relief effort.

Essentially: It does no good to send money and food to countries where the money and food are taken by the central government and used as leverage toward keeping their own power and people impoverished as weak dependents.   Duh, common sense. Go figure.


Ambassador Haley has come a long way from her 2016 #NeverTrump State of the Union rebuttal, written by Ryan and McConnell, where she claimed Donald Trump was horrible and should never become President.

Either she’s come to the light, and dropped her Neo Con interventionist mindset, or she’s gotten a lot better at hiding her conniving political self-centered swamp interests.

One reasonable policy interview is not enough to yet made that determination.

Hmmm… bears closer monitoring..

…from a safe distance.
