Oh, this guy is too good at this stuff.  Lots of love for Wilbur the Wolverine.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross hints at a strategy for NAFTA renegotiation with Mexico that completely annihilates any leftist opposition, and simultaneously drops the greatest humanitarian narrative right in the lap of the globalists.  Make Mexico raise their minimum wage.
Currently the minimum wage in Mexico is 80 pesos per day. Around $4 per day, and the length of the workday is up to the hiring company.  The minimum wage in the U.S. for an eight hour day is $58 ($7.90/hr  x 8).  Additionally, almost no-one in the U.S. makes minimum wage, and almost everyone in Mexico makes minimum wage.
Here comes Wilbur the magnanimous and says: Lets Make Mexico Great, by adding in a requirement that Mexico raises their minimum wage to say, oh, $800 pesos per day ($40) as part of our NAFTA renegotiation.
Liberal heads explode in the U.S. and Mexican minister heads explode in Mexico.  Wha… huh.. wait… Oh snap.  How can they argue against him?
Jorge’ Ramos eyes spontaneously expand as big as saucers. 
Oh, this is too funny.  How can La Raza (Bernie and Perez’s clan) argue the Mean Trump meme, when President Trump is trying to stop the Mexican government’s exploitation of their own workers, and leverage fair wages into trade deals.
Secretary Wilbur Ross – El Hefe’ “Che T-Shirts” soon to be on sale in Mexico.
Oh, man. These trade guys are going to have too much fun.  No wonder Ross was willing to step out of his billionaire lifestyle to join the administration.
Che’ Ross !!  Love it.  Oh, my sides are hurting and I’m adding laugh wrinkles.

“Hacer de México una vez más!”

