Linguistic swordsman Stephen Miller heads into the swamp to battle the swamp creatures and brilliantly beheads the three-headed Cerberus guarding the gate.
Unbeknownst to the swamp creatures Miller was carrying the blade of Honjo Masamune.  According to legend, when Japan surrendered to the Allies at the end of World War II, Honjo Masamune belonged to Tokugawa Iemasu, President of the House of Peers….
After forfeiture the legendary blade seemingly disappeared forever, until it resurfaced this morning wielded by young master Miller.
The first strike hit George Stephanopoulos of ABC This Week whose poison tongue and head dropped harmlessly amid the weeds:

Master Miller spun quickly to face left-wing MSNBC Democrat Chuck Todd who hissed briefly as the angular down strike deconstructed his argument mid ‘splodey. The crowd stood jaw-agape… as the verbose Todd creature’s teeth continued gnashing for several seconds until he realized simultaneous breathing while decapitated was no longer an option.

With only one rabid Fox head remaining, the MSM Cerberus began to retreat. However, Master Miller quickly self-elevated and delivered the final linguistic blow removing the lone and final argument. Wallace drops.

