Yesterday representative John Lewis (D-GA) disrespectfully stated President-elect Donald Trump was “not a legitimate president” and he was boycotting the inauguration.
Traditionally Republicans have curled up into a ball and refused to defend themselves against ridiculous attacks from moonbat leftists.  However, Donald Trump is not a traditional republican.  Today, Donald Trump pushed back:
The media (writ large) and professional political left do not have a familiar frame of reference for what to do next.  Ergo, the pearl-clutching ‘how-dare-he’ ism begins… they were counting on Lewis’s race to be a PC shield against any backlash.   Once again, Donald Trump proves he doesn’t see race – he sees stupid.

Pelosi Gaveljohn-lewis-1
The biggest problem the Democrats have right now is the very real risk that President Trump is simply going to execute a plan, and actually Make America Great.  This is what they fear more than any other factor.
President Trump is poised to show the entire nation just how foolishly constructed all of the failed policies of the last several decades have been.  A simple strategy to revitalize the nation will leave generations of Democrats with nothing except naked rainbow warriors chanting about equality in potty use, worshiping sustainable algae cakes and trying to convince a generation that picking parasites off each other is better than exceptionalism.
The pride within the Make America Great Again program is antithetical to the interests of the hypocrites who champion ridicule of America.
Blinded by their own insufferable Moonbattery, the left-wing loons cannot see the John Lewis approach is going to do nothing more than push their ideological publicity even further toward the purist goofy faction of those who believe legislation can be accomplished via the ancient art of sage smudging.
Meanwhile, President Trump plays out tweets in his ‘off-time‘; a hobby in between giving out big-picture instructions and measuring out the micro-level success of each endeavor.
By the time the Moonbats pause their chanting, they will have nominated Keith Ellison for DNC chair.   Simultaneously half of the Southern border and security wall is built, phase two of ObamaCare replacement is complete, and President Trump is heading to the ribbon cutting of a million square foot robotics and automation manufacturing facility in Western Pennsylvania….

…and that’s before the end of month one.


…Hey Mr. Lewis, fyi, …the Russians didn’t write the emails…

