This is so ridiculous, the light from where ridiculous lives wouldn’t catch up to this media nonsense for a year.  Kellyanne Conway deserves a medal for putting up with this insufferable insanity.  Then again, the Trump team is willingly putting themselves into this ridiculous propaganda, so…
It’s jaw-dropping how far the media is willing to go, CNN specifically, in their efforts to push a “vast Russian conspiracy” to protect Hillary Clinton and avoid facing the loss of an election.

The real irony is the James Clapper declassified DNI report (released today) focuses 80% of it’s conclusions on the basis of Russian media influence creating negative American opinion of Hillary Clinton….. Meanwhile, almost every scintilla of U.S. media coverage has been an effort to create a positive opinion toward Hillary Clinton.
In essence, the U.S. media just can’t believe their own irrelevance and inability to influence.  Therefore, Russians.  Gottabe.
You just can’t make this stuff up.

Just move along, keep pushing the crazy bus, vote for Keith Ellison to be DNC head, and everyone -especially us- will be happy.  Quit making it weird.
