For more than a year we have been discussing the Trump ‘America-First’ economic platform.  Within the discussion you may remember the following:

[…]  In addition, an unquantifiable benefit comes from investment, where the smart money play -to get increased return on investment- becomes putting capital INTO the U.S. economy, instead of purchasing foreign stocks. (read more)

We would strongly urge people to grasp the fundamental outline of Trump’s economic path; because he continues specifically showing evidence of this fundamental economic paradigm shift:

In addition to the announced investment from Masayoshi Son of Softbank, a very Trump-esque business leader within Japan, President-elect Donald Trump also made a specific point about Boeing and the contract they carry to build the next generation Airforce One fleet.

Entirely missed by the MSM and those who discuss political economics is the relationship between the business model of Boeing and their relationship with China.
Over the past weekend Donald Trump fired an economic message across the Chinese bow; the message today, toward Boeing, is directly attached to the same issue(s). First, Watch:

Now remind yourself:

trump vs bush[…] During the January 2016 South Carolina debate, and in response to Trump pointing out a necessary shift in trade position (a shift to put American interests first – a shift to stop the dependency on cheap import goods – a shift to use China’s dependency on access to our market to OUR advantage), Jeb Bush came back with an example of Boeing manufacturing.

Donald Trump, responded to Jeb’s Boeing example, and pointed out China is forcing Boeing to open a manufacturing plant in China. As would be typical from a candidate who is unfamiliar and poorly briefed on the issue, Jeb Bush looked back incredulously and said:

“C’mon man”…

There we saw it.

Right there was the disconnect.

However, almost everyone missed it.

There, in that exact moment, was the spotlight upon all that is wrong with a professional political class; globalists dependent on Wall Street best interest for their talking points.

Donald Trump was 100% correct.

But the issue is bigger.

Not only is China demanding Boeing open a plant in China, the intent of such a plant provides an opportunity to explain why Trump, and his approach, is vitally important – and time is wasting.

China is refusing to trade with (buy) Boeing products if the company does not move. Why? It’s not about putting Chinese people to work, it’s about China importing their research and development, Boeing’s production secrets, into their country so they can learn, steal and begin to manufacture their own airliners.

This is just how China works.

In time, Comac, a state-owned, Shanghai-based aerospace company will then use the production secrets they have stolen, produce their own airliners, kick out Boeing, undercut the market, and sell cheaper manufactured airplanes to the global economy.

Boeing, the great American company that Jeb Bush thinks they are, becomes yet another notch on the Asian market belt.

All of those Boeing workers, those high-wage industrial skill jobs that support the American middle class, yeah – those jobs lost. And the cycle continues.

Of course Wall Street will be invested in the cheaper Chinese aerospace manufacturing company Comac, as it emerges as a manufacturing power.

This reality within this story is a peek into the future of the fundamental disconnect between Wall Street (grows again) and Main Street (lost jobs/wages). The reality within this example is exactly what has taken place over the past three decades. (more)

Now you understand, why this:

The issue is not about Boeing, the issue is not about Air-Force-One per se’, the larger issue is a notification to Boeing that getting in bed with China may not be in their long-term best interests.
It’s subtle, unless you are within the organizational leadership construct of Boeing.  For those executives, it’s subtle like a brick through a window.
In addition, the secondary benefit is a notification to all military and/or federal governmental contractors that the era of using inflated costs to power their business model profits is, well, not the same as it was before….
trump convention 2
The era of taking advantage of America is soon to end!   Donald Trump is an existential threat to all enemies, including economic enemies, foreign and domestic.
