A good article in CFP outlines some of the transparent risks inherent in the immediate behavior of the radical left toward a Donald Trump administration.  However, the article itself doesn’t lend enough credit toward the intellectual acumen of the president elect.
Obama with Valerie Jarrett[…]  Obama wants protection. He wants guarantees from Trump that he will be shielded from something he or somebody right next to him is totally guilty of. What could that be? Whom could that be?

Him? Valerie? Michelle? Hillary or Bill have something on him and he wants them protected?
I don’t know. Something really, really, really bad. Something Trump already knows, or knows he will find out about once he takes control of the Government.
And even then it will be like living in some Byzantine or ancient Saxon royal court of intrigue—maniacally dangerous—until he can clean out the living vermin and Obamanized sycophants. He will need his protective detail, AND the personally gunned private armies his predecessors built for themselves. (link)

We’ve already addressed much of the substantive questioning that surfaces within the column.  President Obama needs ‘terms’ – the specific decisions his handlers made to construct his entire legacy were tenuously built upon the use of his pen and phone.

Exactly 100% of those legacy items can be wiped out on day #1 of a Trump administration, including executive amnesty and DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans).
If Donald Trump removes all executive action on day #1, that only leaves legislative accomplishments as a legacy initiative.  The only significant legislative accomplishment of President Obama for the entire two-terms is ObamaCare, which will also be repealed.
Remember, there has never been a single year with a federal budget since Obama took office in January 2009.  Not a single day with a federal budget.  Take out ObamaCare and the Obama executive actions and what are you left with?
The only things that remain are the embedded usurpations within the cabinet departments: IRS, DOJ, EPA, DHS, Dept of Education, State Dept. etc.  Each of these federal departments also contain many White Hats who have suffered under the appointed Black Hat leadership.
Even before the election we sounded the notification the visible activity amid the various White Hat entities were becoming increasingly visible.  This visibility, even as it just peeked from beneath the surface, was jaw-dropping because these people were taking a personal risk.  This implied they were in a no retreat position.
If Clinton won the election those White Hats would have to bail out of the various organizations.  That’s a pretty serious scenario to sit back and contemplate.  This acceptance allows you to understand the scope and scale of corruption within the various constructs of an Obama government.
And therein lies the risk to President Obama which has put him in a surrender position needing to negotiate terms or his own safe passage.  This very real risk is why the various left-wing activist groups have been called to march in the streets.
The Anger Gamestrump-protest-new-york
In order to find safety, the White House needs a climate where the public is thirsty for political amnesty, and national healing.   The only sure way to get the public to that point is to drive up national anxiety to such a level as the common refrain becomes “all sins must be forgiven”.
The Obama/Clinton ideological escape plan requires the building of a national narrative of forgiveness.  If they succeed President Donald Trump would be less able to hold them accountable.  At least, that’s the current play they appear to be counting on.
Don’t look for Donald Trump to solve this “rioting” issue, it’s not his problem.  Obama/Clinton own this.  Billionaire businessman, President Elect Trump, knows how to use leverage better than any tactician these Alinskyites have ever faced.
Additionally, amid all of this self-preservation Machiavellian strategy, there are the facilitating members of the right-side of the UniParty, the ‘Roberts-The-Bruce’ (McConnell, Flake, Sasse, Graham et al), who will also be looking to hide their duplicity.
However, the important part behind all of these words is this:


Dissuade your fears.

[…] Trump’s not the teleprompter tactician with prose,
He’s our glorious bastard who thinks on his toes.
Our leader may not be refined, or PC,
But for many of us, well, he’s just like me.
A man never wanting to run for these stakes,
Is just the right sort who can deal with you snakes.

President Elect Donald Trump knows everything that you know, ALL OF IT.  President Elect Donald Trump has eyes wide open, he knows exactly what he’s up against and he knows exactly who can and cannot be trusted.
Dissuade your fears.
trump-hope-hicks-dan-kellyannepalin trump
lions together
