We have increasingly been trying to warn everyone what will happen when a particular inflection point is reached. There are trillions of dollars at stake. Trillions.
As the reality of their looming structural defeat becomes increasingly clear all of these vested interests will throw everything they can into the system, and against Donald Trump, in an effort to save themselves.  You are seeing this play out now.
Every internet platform and network will be utilized, manipulated, controlled by oppositional forces (massive multi-billion corporate entities and financial conglomerates) who have a vested self-interest (financial and ideological) in the outcome of the U.S. election.  No effort will be too extreme, and nothing is out-of-bounds.
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When the existential threat called Donald Trump says: “the system is rigged”, he is not simply talking about political constructs – he’s also describing every institution from Hollywood and Silicon Valley, to Madison Avenue and Park Row, to Wall Street and K-Street, to every single institutional construct inside and outside of DC that gains benefit from the cancerous lesion that infects politics.
The scope of the corruption is massive.
The scope of the “rigged system” is almost beyond definition.

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Toward that end there is nothing they will not do to retain their power. Every social media platform that brings sunlight represents an existential threat to them. Every voice that shares reality must be shut down, controlled and removed. There is nothing they will not do to retain themselves.
There are trillions of dollars at stake.
You’ve seen it play out with censorship on Facebook and shadowbanning on Twitter. However, that’s small potatoes considering the scope of what they are capable of. Shutting down YouTube to block visibility of Trump Rallies, and the voice therein, is no different. Any action that can be taken to overwhelm the truth telling will be deployed.
Convenient “mistakes” are simply obfuscation to hide the real purposes and intents. We told you to watch out for this date, October 28th, because we knew how dangerously significant it would be when the truth of actual early voting ran into the months-long construct of media polling lies.
The only way the liars can retain the ruse is to remove visible truth. This is where you must remind yourselves how the objective use of fear is utilized as a weapon. The battle is for your mind; the battle is to stop you from recognizing reality.
The agents who control the rigged systems are beyond “gaslighting” now; they have entered a phase were constructing and/or maintaining the false premise no longer works because contradictory empirical reality is visible.
Within this phase all truth-tellers must have their voices blocked. Be aware of this. Present company included.
This inflection point needs every voting American to understand they are engaged in an insurgency; and at a particular point -when the levers of opposition unite- it becomes more difficult to communicate.
But with an insurgency you already know what to do. Further discussion is not needed.
Whether you are capable of meeting with your team or not, the alliance objectives are clear.
Each member already knows what’s needed.  Do not get distracted….
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