Huma Abedin, wife of Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner, is the closest confidante and adviser to Hillary Clinton.  Previously described as “Clinton’s second daughter”.

Huma and Hillary in Tanzania(Via New York Post) Top Hillary Clinton confidante Huma Abedin played no formal role in a radical Muslim journal — even though she was listed as an editor on the hate-filled periodical’s masthead for a dozen years, a campaign rep claimed Sunday.

“My understanding is that her name was simply listed on the masthead in that period,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said hours after The Post broke the bombshell story. “She did not play a role in editing at the publication.”

Merrill said Abedin was just a figurehead and not actually on staff at the Saudi-based and -funded Journal of Minority Muslim Affairs, which featured radically anti-feminist views and backed strict Islamic laws roundly criticized for oppressing women.

A journalism major at George Washington University, Abedin, 40, was listed as “assistant editor” of the journal from 1996 to 2008, when her name was removed from the staff box and she went to work for Clinton at the State Department.  (read more)

[…]  Typical fare in the publication includes a 1996 piece titled “Women’s Rights are Islamic Rights,” which argues that single moms, working moms and gay couples with children should not be recognized as families.

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