Interesting video highlighting the logical choice for the intellectual Bernie Sanders voter:

  • Trump and Sanders agree on the need for common sense election financing reform.
  • Trump and Sanders agree on Wall Street reform needed to support Main Street, and the middle class.
  • Trump personally has put the reinstatement of the Glass-Stegall Act into his platform.
  • Trump and Sanders both stand against the TPP trade deal.
  • Trump and Sanders both ‘outsiders’, willing to change the rigged system:

Video Provided by: Campus Reform, a project of the Leadership Institute, is America’s leading site for college news. As a watchdog to the nation’s higher education system, Campus Reform exposes bias and abuse on the nation’s college campuses.  – Story Here

Just more evidence – It’s not going to be close folks. This election will be an epic landslide.

trump eagle 10

trump chicks

trump chicks 7

trump dudes

trump houston 3

trump rally greensboro

trump rally san diego 6

trump maryland 2

trump pennsylvania 4

trump line selfie

trump rally clemson 3

trump im with you

trump standing in gap

trump hard hat 2

Republican voter turnout projected 2

