In October/November 2013 CTH tried to outline the natural sequence of events that would come from a bold and brand new policy alignment between Wall Street and the UniParty (Democrats and Republicans).  In essence, the modern global DC vision and how political elections would play out.

patriotFew could believe what we outlined when we stated the 2014 mid-term elections, if predicted to occur as they inevitably did, would result in republican control of the House and Senate in 2015 – AND:  1) no budget, 2) amnesty legislation, 3) advancement of Common Core federal education, 4) no repeal of Obamacare, 5) new anti-American trade deal, 6) full funding for Obama’s programs….

….and most importantly, 7) the nomination of Jeb Bush in 2016 by running a large field (12+) of Republican candidates through 2015 as a strategy.

This was exactly what took place.  It was NOT some grand conspiracy; it was not some incredible Nostradamus-type insight;  it was simply the natural, and sequential course of events if you accept the new modern era UniParty political landscape.

Then when Donald Trump announced his candidacy, we shared the scope of how that single action could, and if successful, would, upset the entire dynamic of this new political era within the UniParty.

However, because the paradigm shift was/is so difficult to accept, and even more difficult to comprehend, in order to aide grasping the scope of the severity we also needed to change the way the information was presented; that’s what gave birth to the “Tripwire Series”.

The Tripwire Series of posts was our way of sharing information, in advance of the action taking place, so that people could begin to fathom how intensely different this change was in the landscape.  In short, if people could see what was beyond the horizon they could have a way to grasp what was happening as the events traveled in that direction.

How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

Baby Newt

The Tripwire series was also driven by multiple reader comments who shared their friends and family couldn’t believe what they were outlining in conversations about the scope of collusion between the Global Entities and the UniParty apparatus.

The “Tripwires” provided a point of reference to say watch what happens when this event is triggered…. the next event might blow your mind, but it’s actually nothing more than following the natural downstream effect of the tripwire being crossed.

These Tripwires included predictions that traditional political punditry opinion would have to take a 180° turn and begin advocating against almost everything they previously, and visibly, stood for.

The reason these reversals take place is ultimately more about money, position, influence and status than any other affects.   Wall Street, and the corporations that stand behind the Media, have a need to retain the UniParty at all costs.  Donald Trump’s candidacy is an existential threat to those financial interests.

Donald Trump’s “America First” platform is also an existential threat to many of those same interests.   At the heart of the paradigm shift is the recognition  there’s no difference between either wing of the UniParty apparatus.

In an effort to drive home this important base-line factor we created the visual:

trump lion

Tripwires then followed and outlined specifically how the UniParty was in complete alignment with the Globalist view of all political outcomes.  Both big “R” and big “D” operate on the same overarching set of priorities.

With Donald Trump in the political arena, those priorities are threatened.   The various affiliates within that threatened system are also “risk adverse”.   There is nothing they will not do to eliminate that risk.

A continual acceptance of the new paradigm needed to be reinforced throughout the primary process, because the natural tendency when given new information is to rely upon historical context.   There is NO historical context for what was/is happening.

This is an entirely new era of politics.

Donald Trump has essentially stepped in to a decades long political railroad line as it was being built straight toward the constructionists destination.  Almost overnight he, and the vulgarians with him, hammered in an unretractable set of two 90° angle segments.

All the UniParty political effort has come to a grinding halt…. new and unfamiliar horizons now loom as the line builders look up and assess their position.

a17b2-hip-replacement-recall-briberyThese entities have invested a lot of money, influence, resources and power in each segment of the line that stands behind them.  They cannot accept a new fundamentally divergent destination; and, more importantly, the financiers for the line ain’t going to allow the change – they will not relinquish their investment – changes in direction will have to be forced upon them.

Within this paradigm shift, negotiations are underway.  The billionaire rail-line investment class is comprised of various degrees of influence and need.

• Some of the billionaires can afford to allow the new destination because their enterprises are Nationalist in nature.  Meaning their enterprise, and ideology, is OK so long as the end of the railway is an exit within the U.S.

• Other billionaires cannot afford to allow the new destination because their corporate enterprises are Globalist in nature.  Meaning they are fundamentally and ideologically bound to the original destination which exits the U.S.

Each set of financial entities, formerly within the UniParty, has a split of interest created by Donald Trump.  In essence he’s fractured the unity, he’s fractured the UniParty.

Hence we witness two sets of seemingly familiar financial groups struggling to find the influence and power needed to retain their best position under this changed status.

  1. Billionaire Robert Mercer goes with Trump (ok w/ new direction)
  2. Billionaire Koch Brothers go with Hillary (need to retain status quo)

If you go all the way back to one of the original Tripwires, we shared this prediction of this outcome if Trump was successful:

There is no substantive difference between Jeb and Hillary, and there is absolutely no difference between the current National GOP and National Democrats. Both parties are intent on the expansion of government, the diminishment of U.S. national interests (Main Street), along with the inflation of Wall Street interests (CoC) and capital markets (Koch Brothers).

Yup, things are going exactly as we thought they would.

Additionally, the billionaire underwriters for the various corporate media are going to fight it out for the same reason.  Globalists VS Nationalists.  This is why you will see 180° turns in position from punditry and those who speak of politics for a business.

Don’t be surprised to see a person you have always thought of as “conservative”, opining for the global agenda. The underwriting is not as much about principle, as it is individual interests. Steven Hayes (The Weekly Standard), and Jonah Goldberg (Lucianne, Fox, NRO) are two examples.

You will see many traditional Republicans voting for, and advocating for Hillary Clinton. This might seem odd, until you reset your thinking and remember the UniParty is one party comprised of R’s and D’s; Donald Trump is actually the second party.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for the traditional UniParty agenda which is carried by traditional republicans AND traditional democrats.

Globalist Billionaires – Needing UniParty Status Quo

Rupert Murdoch via Wall Street Journal supporting Hillary.
Jeff Bezo’s via Washington Post supporting Hillary.
The Koch Bros supporting Hillary
The Disney Corp. via ABC supporting Hillary
The White House via CBS/NBC supporting Hillary
Ted Turner / CNN supporting Hillary
Warren Buffet supporting Hillary
Michael Bloomberg supporting Hillary

Nationalist Billionaires – Position stable with America First:

Robert Mercer supporting Trump
Carl Ican supporting Trump
Sheldon Adelson supporting Trump
Steve Wynn supporting Trump
Peter Thiel supporting Trump

And so it goes…..

You’ll notice a broad generalization within the disparity.  The billionaires willing to go with the Trump directional change are (generally speaking) from business entities within Main Street, or reliant upon Main Street.  The billionaires going with Clinton are business entities within Wall Street.

Keep an eye on that “Wall St -vs- Main St” perspective, and you’ll be more accurate at predicting who will go with whom, and why.

There are some UniParty financiers that have yet to announce their position (ex. Wilks Brothers, Stanley Herzog, Robert Perry, Sarah Atkins, David C Humphreys, Trevor Rees-Jones, Bruce Covner, John M Templeton Jr, Mark Cuban, Tom Ricketts and family), these people could go with Hillary or Trump depending on their financial loyalties.

There are also some who don’t necessarily like Donald Trump, but are ok with the nationalist/patriotic change in direction, who will choose to underwrite affiliates to assist Trump indirectly.

trump convention 2

  1. Following The Money
  2. The GOPe Roadmap
  3. ♦ The Roles of The Players – “The Splitters
  4. ♦ How each candidate is aligned in the Roadmap
  5. ♦ Arrow #1 Trump Hits The Super-PACs – The GOPe Achilles Heel
  6. ♦ Arrow #2 Trump Hits Bush – Inside The Wall Street Fortress
  7. ♦ Arrow #3 Trump Cuts Off Rubio/Bush switch – The GOPe Switch
  8. ♦ The Rick Perry Tripwire Exposed – DC Super-Pac
  9. ♦ Jeb Bush Super-Pac Will immediately spend $10 Million
  10. ♦ Proving there is only one political party in Washington DC
  11. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part One (The GOPe Ruse)
  12. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Two (Stop being played)
  13. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Three (Intellectual Details)
  14. ♦ How To Defeat the GOPe Road Map
  15. ♦ Current Polling Exposes – the Ohio, Florida, Texas, Virginia, New York Splitters
  16. ♦ Florida Polling Exposes – Donald Trump defeating Jeb’s Florida Strategy
  17. ♦ Rush Limbaugh Discusses/AffirmsThe “splitter strategy”
  18. ♦ The Biden/Sanders Paradox – Trump Winning Means Clinton Must Be Removed
  19. ♦ Salem Media Communications (GOPe Media Arm) Launches Attack
  20. ♦ Open Letter To GOPe – The Conservative Frustration
  21. ♦ Why The GOPe Will Never Stop Attacking Donald Trump
  22. ♦ Trump indicates he is well aware of the GOP Mississippi Trickery 2014
  23. ♦ GOPe (Stuart Stevens and Henry Barbour) recruit for a Mississippi style takedown
  24. ♦ Chris Christie Joins the insurgency – Christie Endorsement
  25. ♦ The Demonization of Donald Trump Begins – The Racial Onslaught Miss ’14 Redux
  26. ♦ Ben Carson Drops Out – Manipulators of his Campaign Exposed
  27. ♦ Mitt Romney admits the GOPe Road Map and Splitter Strategy
  28. ♦ The Agenda of Ted Cruz exposed – Splitter Fiorina joins forces with Cruz
  29. ♦ Team Trump begin leveraging sheer will – Paul Manafort negotiates.
  30. ♦ Paul Ryan (Wall Street Purchase) – Not Supporting Trump
  31. ♦ Ted Cruz refuses to endorse Trump – Aligns with UniParty for Clinton
  32. ♦ Robert Mercer punishes Ted Cruz – Open admonishment in NYT