When candidate Donald Trump announced his candidacy to run for President last year we knew immediately there would be a seismic shift in the political landscape.  Those who have followed politics in the last 8+ years suspected the 2016 race would inevitably boil down to Globalists -vs- U.S. Nationalists.

However, with the introduction of Mark Levin’s Conservative Review publishing a target list of those they don’t agree with, we have officially entered the realm of the absurd.  The collective ‘conservative‘ ilk within the punditry class have assembled their fascist blacklist(s) to target their opposition – and it’s not leftists, it’s us.

I doubt there has ever been a time when we have laughed so heartedly.

cruz circling drain

Too many years decades of Wall Street’s influence over legislative priorities are clearly evident for anyone not to anticipate the professional political class would view any America-First candidate as a threat to their financial motivations.  But to see the apoplectic reactions from those within the corporate conservative media is, well, pure delicious sunlight.

Amanda Carpenter (aka Mark Levin – Conservative Review) has put together their version of the “Blacklist”.   Matt Walsh (aka Glenn Beck – The Blaze) has assembled even more.   RedState’s Ben Howe joins the giddy little fascists too.


Notable names include: Senator Jeff Sessions, Phyllis Schlafly, Sarah Palin, Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe Arpiao, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Steve Forbes, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Matt Drudge and Jerry Falwell Jr.

Oh my.

As Sarah Palin writes today on Facebook:

Sarah_Palin_850[…]  This Primary election has sifted out the self-appointed movers and shakers in the GOP who are up to no good, thanks to Donald Trump’s campaign exposing unprincipled politicos’ true agenda. For as much as these politicians, pundits, consultants, and “conservative” media types rant, rave and pontificate, there’s no denying they really don’t care who wins elections as long as they keep their perks, titles, ratings, and invites to their pal’s preachin’-to-the-choir venues.

More Americans now find out these folks are really good at using and abusing their audiences and supporters. I know personally that when it benefited their elections, their fundraisers, their poll numbers, careers and connections, they sure agreed with my conservative politics.

For nearly a decade they’ve requested my endorsement, my social media shout-outs, my pro bono consulting and advice, and as much in-person support as my time allowed me to give them. They were either lying then, or they’re lying now about my judgment creds. I’ve never asked any of them for anything in return (they can all testify to that) except their integrity to shine. You’d think that at least in my respecting their right to endorse whichever Presidential candidate they choose, they’d reciprocate and simply respect my right to endorse a commonsense conservative Republican who just happens to not be top of their list.  (read more)

Yep, what Sarah Palin is describing is exactly what we have termed “Battered Conservative Syndrome”.

Unfortunately for the abusers, they are now reduced to creating lists in their pathetic attempt to retain their own relevance.  The more they thrash around, stomp their feet, and gnash their horrible teeth, they are increasingly finding themselves diminished by their insufferable Moonbattery.

Co-Dependent No More !

The “blacklisted” Rebel Alliance is Growing Daily.

W O L V E R I N E S !

trump dr phil shrugtrump lion
