It’s obvious we need to spend a few minutes explaining the business end of modern politics for those who are unaccustomed to the process.

You might know the guy who owns/operates the family Hardware store near you. Or perhaps you are familiar with the generationally owned auto-shop in/around your town. Politics, as a business enterprise, is no different – many families throughout the country are as inherently inside the business as the family who owns the local store.


Additionally, from county to county these families know each other. They see each other, hang out together, meet at various functions and coordinate the various political enterprises that eventually lead up to the state level, and beyond.

In short, they are a network of familiarity, a network of insiders.

They also run the gambit of influence from the Barbour family in Mississippi, to the Prescott/Bush family of Colorado, Texas to Maine.   Tight circles of interconnected acquaintances who meet at various times, and then convention together depending on political season.

So when you are filtering information, which comes as a result of an election, you must always remember  if there is a unity objective, they know how to communicate and/or act in a manner that benefits the community need.

Remember this video from South CarolinaWATCH AGAIN:

That’s the mindset, the mentality when they convene.  Anyone who is not inside the concentric circles is an “outsider”.

They take actions at the local and state level to benefit the larger operational goals.  If they want to put their thumb on the scales, maybe they don’t ask for ID’s if the absence of ID’s assists the goal.   It is a very closed system fraught with corruption when anything outside of their system interferes or is considered a risk to the larger “Party” objectives.

This internecine system is why it was not accidental when True The Vote (Catherine Englebrecht) began a group, whose goals were to insure the “scale tipping” would stop, was immediately perceived as a threat and became a target – remember the IRS?

You will note the Republicans and the Democrats both benefitted from Englebrecht being stopped from her objectives.  You will note the congressional republican leadership did little to stop it, even though it was a national outrage.  Where is that investigation today?

McConnell and BoehnerThe DC UniParty, as an aggregate, benefited from the Tea Party targeting.  They had to appear outraged, but everyone in/around DC knew the pearl clutching was for national media display only.  Nothing of substance ever came from congressional review, and we even added to their oversight authority by giving Republicans’ control of the senate.

Again, where is that investigation today?

Do you really think Mitch McConnell gives a hoot that the Tea Party was targeted by the IRS?   The same Mitch McConnell who said: “we are going to crush the Tea Party wherever they appear” (2014).  Think about it.

When you begin to accept the construct of the local, state and national party apparatus you begin to see how easy it is for them to work independently but still toward a common objective.

When Mitt Romney says recently: Rubio needs to win Florida, Kasich needs to win Ohio, and Cruz needs to win wherever he can -in order to achieve the common objective- the message is received in an entirely different way by the party apparatus than by you and me.   They take action based on those objectives/instructions; we just sit around and ridicule the arrogance of the speechifying.

♦ Their action is what leads to Kansas party officials not asking for identification and allowing people to vote multiple times to benefit their larger party goals.

♦ Their action is what leads to County chairs, submitting the most useful data (for the national party narrative) while sitting on election data which is less useful.  And yes, they wait for the TV screens to broadcast a more favorable result before downloading the less useful data and updating quietly.

♦ Their action is what leads to State Party officials telling local party officials it would be beneficial if Rubio caucus attendees in Maine supported Cruz for this one because the national team objectives would be enhanced thusly.

It’s a business, and within each successful business there are techniques passed down from generation to generation which aid the guys/gals they meet every year the bar in the Hilton at the State Capital to talk shop.   It’s just simply a business technique.

Just like Sue who always brings the cookies to the off-season local monthly meetings, and Frank who can be counted on for the best coffee pot, when you roll these acquaintances up to state and national level you simply find exaggerated, albeit more influential, versions of the same enterprise.

It’s not a grand conspiracy any more than the gas station down the street checking the prices of the guy on the other corner to modify his own marquee.  It’s not collusion, it’s just a network of affiliates, friends and colleagues, who know what to do and when to do it because they know the larger goal of the organization.

Nothing grandiose. Nothing complex.  Just basic American Politics in action.

However, when you are unfamiliar with the “signals”, and/or seeing the familiar footprints in the electoral snow, the orchestration can seem disconcerting or uncomfortable.  Once you understand the orchestration you lose the discomfort.  Just like Catherine Englebrecht was gobsmacked seven years ago, yet today openly sees that upwards of half of all local elections are manipulated for specific outcomes.

This is why we are repeating the message to educate yourself, learn what to spot and what it means, and then share it when you understand the deconstructed examples.  As opposed to panicking on election day because you don’t know the “insider tricks” within the business.

You defeat the scheme, by overwhelming those who are trying to control the process.

Any questions?

trump dr phil shrug
