One of Donald Trump’s greatest benefits in a general election match-up is oddly one of our own greatest long-term antagonisms:  the generational, and insufferable, weakness of Republicans.

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For approximately 30 years the GOP has been in full retreat from an onslaught of progressive liberalism.  Arguably retreat began picking up speed around the time of the Regan-era Iran-Contra scandal, which was unfortunately compounded by a New Jersey RNC lawsuit loss and subsequent life-time Consent Decree.

Regardless of origin, the general republican party has been comprised of spineless twits for the past 3+ decades.

However, setting aside the DNC and RNC -for all intents and purposes having melded into one nuanced UniParty- as a direct consequence of the GOP weakness, the Democrat Party have become accustomed to their opposition being weak and ineffective.  The Republicans are notoriously infected with a defensive flinching more customarily seen amid those with battered spouse syndrome.

Evidence of this historical, and current, Democrat belief -being a perfectly reasonable expectation- can be found amid the various preferred GOPe presidential candidates including: Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, et al…. all party insiders, only various miniscule degrees from the exact same compass heading.

Then along comes THE DONALD TRUMP.

A Vulgarian.

Not just a bull, but a beast of a bull carrying a multitude of atomic sledgehammers amid the proverbial political china shop.

A campaign well beyond shock and awe – where “shock” is defined as jaw-agape, and “awe” is defined as apoplectic angst for the media and cocktail class, with simultaneous glee from the rest of us.

Most common blog phrase to describe the arrival of Trump in 2015: “Finally”

Against the very real possibility that Donald Trump will be the opponent to this cycles’ progressive liberal, Hillary Clinton, the Democrats find themselves in a rather unfamiliar place.

megyn kelly faintIf you don’t think it’s unfamiliar, just look at the MSM responses to Trumped up controversies and the subsequent looks upon their faces days later while reviewing the ever-increasing polled support.

Collectively the MSM apparatus look like they’ve been licked square-in-the-face by that china shop bovine.  They’re clueless.

The “war on women” nonsense is known to be nonsense by 85%+ of the electorate (the remaining 15% are the sensibility-tender safe-space moonbats).  Yes, the Democrats have a traditional quiver full of arrows, but Trump is wearing impenetrable armor.

trump ivankaAttack Trump with “sexism” accusations and you find yourself ridiculed by reality. Because only the most “sexist” of candidates would put his daughter in charge of a billion dollar empire, which coincidentally is led by majority women in leadership amid the various corporate control rooms…. strong in the fail is this arrow.

The reality is, Donald Trump is probably the most non-bigoted, non-racist, non-nativist, non-sexist candidate in the entire field. What matters most to Trump is bottom line culture, and intensely high standards. If that’s you, you’re in like flint; if that’s not you, you’re fired.

Many political observers previously opined that candidate Carly Fiorina was the best equipped candidate to deflect the Clinton arrows, and perhaps they are correct – however, within that sentence the key word is “deflect”.

Candidate Donald Trump doesn’t need to deflect those attacks because -like all other issues- he comes shielded with abundant truth-evidence and the keen skill set to present it. Trump doesn’t need deflection – he can take those attacks head on.

Those who know Donald Trump also know this to be one of his greatest advantages.

trump lion
