d9d51-mouse-mission-impossibleOh noes, the MSM is shape-shifting, catching on, finding the trail, waking up, honing in….  It Appears they’ve dug up the change in the cushions, borrowed $250, bought a vowel, now they have a clue. Yikes...

This entirely sucks, because it could mean it’s only a matter of time before they tell the pundits.    …Snap! 

Then all heck will break loose when they realize what we’ve been up to for the past seven months.  Um, hey chief, chief, CHIEF,.. I mean, Donald, um,… Mr. Trump… it might be time to readjust that game-plan thing, they’re on to us!  I knew the “schlong” thing was a risk… On noes, damn, damn, damn…  Quick – get Bluto and Jello, STAT.

(Via LA Times) Louise Sunshine, a former New York lobbyist and real estate executive, has known Donald Trump for more than 40 years. She shared a small office with Trump just as his career as a developer began to take off. She helped him cajole politicians for tax breaks on his first buildings.


Knowing how Trump operates, Sunshine was surprised to hear his rival Jeb Bush brand him last week as a “chaos candidate.” Trump, she said, “is the least chaotic person I know.”

“The least,” she added to underline the point. “And the most determined person I know.”

Trump’s raw, in-your-face style of politics can come off as random ranting. Over the weekend, he called Hillary Clinton a liar and Bush a loser. “Dumb as a rock!” he wrote on Twitter of the former Florida governor.

fox-and-beagleBut if Trump sows chaos, it is tightly controlled chaos. The bluster and put-downs are part of a meticulously calculated strategy by a surprisingly disciplined front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination. Trump is the rare first-time candidate whose mastery of basic political skills seems unmatched by most, if not all, of his rivals in a crowded Republican field.

Trump’s history as a builder of major Manhattan real estate projects schooled him in the real-world give-and-take of politics at a level where enormous amounts of money and power are at stake. For New York developers whose business model depends on taxpayer subsidies, a keen understanding of how governors and mayors operate can make or break a real estate empire.

[…] “They’re cutting people’s heads off in Syria,” Trump told the Las Vegas crowd as he mocked Democratic front-runner Clinton for questioning his temperament. “They’re drowning people in steel cages, and she says Donald Trump has a harsh tone.”

Trump modulates his approach according to the setting. In the Deep South, he shows his firebrand side; it was in South Carolina that he called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. until the government can “figure out what the hell is going on.”

fox hunt[…]   Trump’s more impolitic provocations — the temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S., for one — can seem high-risk. Yet his popularity has only grown, even as he has offended women, Mexicans, the disabled, Muslims and other groups.

Most recently, he criticized Clinton for taking a bathroom break during Saturday’s Democratic debate, saying it was “disgusting.”

Like a veteran politician, Trump keeps promises vague. He pledges trillions of dollars in tax cuts, but also preservation of all Social Security and Medicare benefits. He vows to stop what he calls the theft of American jobs by China and Mexico, but skirts details. (read more)


trump calculated

Oh snap, they’re on to us…  What now?
