Drawing attention to the Boston Globe Poll released today (full pdf below) more because of the internals, than the top-line results.   500 people polled – the top line results are in the graphic below:


However, going through the poll internals you will find this is a very good overall poll when widened against a much broader national electorate and the inherent political discussions therein.

Top Three Concerns of the electorate:

♦ 1. Economy/ Jobs

♦ 2. Illegal Immigration

♦ 3. National Security and Terror Threats

Of those polled Donald Trump leads -by significant margins- on each of the top three issues to those responding.   Broadened out, these concerns align with the larger majority shown in each of the national polls by other organizations – with similar results very favorable to Donald Trump.

This solidifies the initial Trump belief, on the day he announced his candidacy, that voters would be looking at this election based on “competency“, as opposed to “likeability”.  Candidate Trump has mentioned this frequently and it appears his internal compass was 100% accurate.

Another aspect within the poll measures “Trustworthy” and “Honesty”.  Here again, Donald Trump leads – and as with all similar polls, the professional politicians suffer because they are indeed well understood to be liars willing to say whatever, and do whatever is needed to appease their financial backers.

While the electorate may not find Trump terribly “likeable” they find him “trustworthy” and honest enough to call the baby ugly when needed.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, when asked “who can win the general election and beat Hillary Clinton, Trump towers over the field easily with more than 31% supporting that position.   The direct in-your-face and no-holds-barred approach by Trump is seen as an asset when going against the Clinton machine.

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trump rally south carolina 11-24

