Last Sunday Pastor Robert Jeffress discussed the nature of violent Islam within his sermon.  Despite the discomfort, it is a discussion long, long overdue.   As stated within his delivery “it is time for us, and for government, to act”.

There is much plain-spoken truth within this 6 minutes.  However, I would nuance the conversation with our own families slightly differently.  While it is essentially accurate to say we are confronting “Radical Islam”, and/or those who believe in “Authentic Islam”, there is a more accurate term for what we face.

The behavior we are confronting is “Islamic Jihad”.  The Islamic Jihad has been a never-ending war against the West.  Christians, Secularists and Atheists alike are all infidels; and as a consequence enemies of, and targets for, the Islamic Jihad.

Lastly, there is something rather significant to consider.   Everyone notices there is a growing anger amid all people, on all sides. 

It is entirely plausible to consider the reason for the anger is directly related to our unity being compromised.  Our inherent commonality is undermined.

There is a common enemy, and that enemy is the specific and identifiable entity waging terroristic war against all people – the Islamic Jihad.

Obfuscation, misdirection, political correctness and cultural marxism, all keep us from identifying the common enemy together.   We are continually told not to see Islam as the enemy – therefore as a united people we cannot identify Islamic Jihad as the behavior of the enemy.

…..The consequence of this continual avoidance is misdirected anger toward each other, instead of the enemy.

paris bombing 4

Islam Demonstration
