Delivering a full measure of devotion !

(Via ABC) Just a few weeks shy of her 93rd birthday, Beada Corum is hard of hearing and needs corrective lenses.

But when Donald Trump speaks, Corum hears and sees with clarity the only politician that she feels is worth voting for — for the first time in her entire life.

92 year old Trump supporter

Corum, who introduced Trump at his rally in Knoxville, Tennessee, on Monday night, has registered to vote for the very first time with the express purpose of being able to cast a vote for Trump for president.

“When I heard Donald Trump speak on TV, I thought ‘Lord, who in the world is that man?’ Well, he came back a few days later, and I said ‘Oh my god I believe God sent him to run this country and take care of it,’” Corum told ABC News.

So inspired by what she heard from Trump, Corum called her daughter and asked her to take her to the courthouse to register to vote — something that took her daughter by surprise.

“She said, ‘What? You ain’t never voted before,’ and I said, ‘I know it, but I am this time.’” Corum recalled. “So I went down there and registered, and I’m going to vote for Donald Trump, because I think he’s the man that’s going to bring America back to the way it was.”(read more with video)

Video of Ms. Corum from earlier media report:

trump batman 2
