The media narratives are nothing if not predictable – The latest NBC Poll (pdf below) reflects the preferred media candidate shifting. Ben Carson on the decline, Ted Cruz rising with the assist of disenfranchised Carson supporters, Rubio steady mid-range and Jeb comfortably playing possum.

Captain Obvious says: if you look at longer term NBC/Survey Monkey polling you find this current poll positioning is essentially right where the top-tier was in August just before Operation Hummingbird kicked in.


What that reflects is exactly what we’ve been outlining. The shaking of the field is nothing more than media grabbed the candidates like a snow globe – shook em’ up – and now the race settles right back where it was originally when the debates started. See:

NBC Survey Monkey

(click to enlarge)

(Via NBC)  In the Republican primary race, the newest NBC News/SurveyMonkey online poll shows Donald Trump has the frontrunner spot to himself, with 28% support among Republican and independent voters who lean Republican. Support for Ben Carson, who was tied with Trump in last month’s online poll, has fallen off by 8 points and the former neurosurgeon is now tied with Ted Cruz at 18%. Trailing not too far behind is Marco Rubio, at 11%. The next tier of candidates has a lot of catching up to do, with Jeb Bush at 4% and Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina each with 3%.

During the volatile primary season, the attention that is gained from being the lead candidate in the polls can be a mixed blessing. The media tends to shift its focus to those candidates leading the race – and that spotlight can seem especially harsh to those who are newer to the political scene. At the same time, rival candidates are quick to target any apparent or imagined flaw of those in the lead. This is what happened to Ben Carson during the last two weeks, as he came under scrutiny for biographical details in his memoir and criticism for his lack of foreign policy expertise.  (read more)

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The larger goal of the RNC/GOPe/Globalists doesn’t change:

…”REMOVE TRUMP – Then Ben Carson becomes Herman Cain, Ted Cruz becomes Newt Gingrich, and Jeb/Marco settle in to the Romney position in 2012″….

Remove Trump the GOPe road map gets right back on track.   Remove Trump the 2016 presidential race becomes a forgone conclusion.  Remove Trump and you get Jeb Bush as the GOPe nominee.

Notice the essential element?

…..”Remove Trump“.
