media jerk 3If ever the media needed evidence of why the vast majority of Americans despise their profession you only need to look as far as Des Moines Register reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel, and the agenda she displays as she carries out her assignment.

Ms. Pfannenstiel is assigned to cover the campaigns of Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham, and apparently she views part of that responsibility to research and broadcast who is donating to the campaigns.  She then ridicules donors publicly through social media.

Obviously Ms. Pfannenstiel went out of her way to look up the federal election campaign filings for donors to the Donald Trump campaign and then took to social media to highlight the name, address, contribution amount and belittle the $250 contributor.

We have covered the personal information of the campaign contributor she chooses to mock.  However, we can assure you it was not deleted in her original presentation:

media jerk 2

Perhaps people might want to ask Brianne Pfannensteil exactly what was the objective she held as she made these decisions.  Perhaps people might also want to ask the Des Moines Register how people like this get hired, and what exactly does this say about the “doxing agenda” carried by their “reporters”?

Brianne Pfannenstiel  – Twitter Account HERE

Des Moines Register – Twitter Account HERE

Des Moines Register – Website HERE
