The FEC has opened an inquiry (see pdf below) into Ted Cruz Super-PAC (KtP) and Carly Fiorina Super-PAC (CfA).   I’ll just drop this here as a reminder to what we previously said was going to happen; when you know the “splitters” you know the most likely scenario:

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Keep The Promise (KtP) Super-PAC is a pro-Ted Cruz PAC run by David Barton  (Details HERE) David Barton is also Chairman of Mercury One Charities (Glenn Beck)
david barton 3
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david bartonCarly For America (CfA) Super – PAC is a pro-Carly Fiorina PAC.
The FEC is asking why would Keep The Promise (Ted Cruz PAC) be giving money to Carly For America (Carly Fiorina PAC)?
One opinion….:

[…] Theories have been floated by various corners that the republican party may have been trying to keep Carly Fiorina in the race simply so it could say it had a female candidate, or that Fiorina was kept around specifically so a woman could attack democratic rival frontrunner Hillary Clinton; indeed Fiorina spent the summer playing the role of Clinton attack dog. But now that Carly Fiorina climbed just high enough in the polls to matter as a candidate, the mysterious backroom financial dealings which had kept her in the race are now more than just a head scratcher for onlookers. (link)

….Makes you almost snicker, no?  The brutally obvious motivation is all of the above.  (And what exactly does David Barton have to do with the official RNC apparatus? Such that he would be working to keep a “female” candidate in the race?)
Carly is a member of Team Jeb’s Splitter Program which is funded through the use of Super-PACs, and she -along with Rubio-  is currently fulfilling the role of Operation Hummingbird.
Oh but that makes me a conspiracy theorist.  LOL.  Gotcha {{{ wink }}}  OK, well lets go full ‘splodey mode:

[2010] […] Carly Fiorina (aka Cara Carleton Sneed) sat on the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, which has observer status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

But congressional support for global governance will not wane on Carly’s watch. Agenda 21 and “sustainable development” are the new buzz words for “global socialism” through global governance and Carly sits on the Foundation Board at the mother ship.

This is by no means new for Fiorina though. Her affiliation with global activists dates back many years and includes some of our nation’s most nefarious characters.

An inquiring reporter worth his or her salt should be asking Carly to describe her long-term relationship with Dr. Khalid al-Mansour—aka Don Warden, Black Panther puppet master, Saudi Royal front-man and Obama education financier?

Fiorina sits on other Boards with al-Mansour, such as the African Leadership Academy. Al-Mansour, aka Don Warden, was the man behind the men of the Black Panther movement in the 1960s. He has long held hope for a “black nationalist” president, starting as far back as his relationship with Malcolm X. In fact, X died while speaking at one of al-Mansour’s college campus rallies.

Al-Mansour moved in both Black Nationalist and communist circles throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s, including relationships with noted black communist Frank Marshall Davis, and Weather Underground domestic terror leader William Ayers. Fiorina’s name pops up here and there in these circles, dating back to her college years.

Al-Mansour has been accused of using Saudi money and Black Nationalist leaders like New York Borough chief Percy Sutton, to finance the young Obama’s high-dollar education, among other nefarious pursuits.

In Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age, Newsmax reporter Ken Timmerman reveals just how far back the relationship between Obama and al-Mansour goes. But Fiorina’s relationship with al-Mansour (aka Warden) appears to date back just as far, all the way to Berkeley. (more)


But, but she’s an outsider, n’ stuff.

