Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has suspended his presidential bid:
rick perry

It is impossible not to notice a coordinated GOPe strategy even amid the predictable exit of GOPe splitter Rick Perry from the race.  Perry’s primary value was essentially most noteworthy in South Carolina and his home state of Texas.
As soon as the overall race took shape, and Texas polling was released, and the lack of Perry support evident, it became obvious Team Jeb would have to rely on the natural affinity of Texans to support Ted Cruz in order to blunt the previously unpredicted (and profoundly un-mapped) Trump threat.
The announcement by Team Jindal on Wednesday for an early morning press conference on Thursday, portended indications that Governor Bobby Jindal was going to attack Donald Trump.  He did.

However, Jindal’s approach was/is so over-the-top he essentially disqualified his own worthiness as an Alinsky provocateur in the urgent GOPe endeavor.  The road-map would suggest that either Bobby Jindal or Lindsey Graham will be the most likely to drop out next.
Rick Perry’s EXIT SPEECH was fraught with advancing the anti-Trump narrative.  Perry spoke about the value of illegal aliens and the need to be tolerant while decrying the approach of Donald Trump.   The inherent messaging of both Jindal and Perry coordinated to sell an ongoing, albeit increasingly urgent, meme – Trump must be stopped.
The GOPe party and media angle continues to be pushing Ben Carson as the best hope to crack the Trump Coalition, while using Carly Fiorina to use the sexism angle.  Toward that effort the day continues:

Meanwhile on the other side of the Wall Street coin….

…..Things are playing out just as designed !

Biden and Hillary
