A new Monmouth University Poll (valid poll for debate determinations) shows Donald Trump crushing Jeb Bush and the GOPe splitter field. The central part of the RNC/GOPe evaluative risk is identified in the following Monmouth Poll paragraph:

[…]  “None of the establishment candidates is having any success in getting an anti-Trump vote to coalesce around them. In fact, any attempt to take on Trump directly only seems to make him stronger.” (link)

Look closely at the collective polling within the GOPe “splitter crew”:


It’s important for political observers to remember that for every poll you see there are dozens of “internal polls”, paid for by the party apparatus and campaigns, that you don’t see.
Many of those are micro-polls on key states, and district-by-district level match-ups. It’s the internals that drive the behavior we later witness from the visible participants in the RNC/GOPe apparatus.  It’s those internals that proactively took Reince Priebus to New York today.

8% for Jeb and a collective 18% for the entire GOPe Splitter Team is not sustainable – Jeb needs 15-20% for the road map to succeed:

However, the Wall Street crowd, the money men behind the Super-PACs, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donohue, Reince Priebus, Mitch McConnell and professional party insiders will not willingly give up on their well constructed, pre-planned GOPe scheme. Period.
They have hundreds of millions available to use against the vulgarian insurgency.  The deluge of attacks is about to begin – watch for it; the severity will be based on the level of their desperation.  Massively powerful and expensive interests will get brutal.
Also, watch closely for the previously outlined tripwires. Watch the horizon beside and behind us.  Watch closely what’s going on within the Hillary Clinton campaign – It’s only when Hillary is dropped that we will be able to determine when the GOPe roadmap has conceded defeat to Trump.
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The Polling in 2014 Supported the Plan – Trump is destroying it !

rubio bushMarco Rubio 5% – Marco Rubio is a one term junior Senator from Florida who was the protege’ to Jeb while Rubio was a leader in the Florida legislature (Speaker of the Florida House) and Jeb Bush was governor.
Through the five years of his DC tenure Rubio has been increasingly aligned with the establishment class of GOPe DC insiders. His fundamental ideological alignments are in synergy with his mentor Jeb, and most are aware his overall favorability within the conservative base, ie. Tea Party electorate, has diminished greatly. In the past two years he has been in lock-step with the party bosses.
Rubio’s goal on behalf of the RNC/GOPe plan was/is to split the Florida electorate away from a more conservative ‘non-jeb’ candidate. Florida polling has shown this strategy is largely successful, sans the unanticipated popularity of Donald Trump.
As a one-term senator with no accumulated wealth, a family and two small children, Rubio cannot run for re-election and also run as a presidential candidate. This highlights one of the ‘tells’. Why would a young, one-term senator give up losing his political career with a long-shot presidential bid? The answer is a Jeb Bush/Tom Donohue golden parachute.
carly fiorina 2Carly Fiorina 4% – Carly Fiorina likes to present herself as a “DC outsider”, however the truth is 180° divergent. Fiorina worked for John McCain’s failed White House bid in 2007/08 and also as campaign spokesperson for Mitt Romney in 2011/2012.
Like Rubio – Fiorina’s policy positions are in alignment with Jeb Bush. Supportive of comprehensive immigration reform, amnesty, common core, et al. Fiorina is not just a California Republican, she’s essentially a female version of Jeb/Mitt. After losing her 2010 long-shot bid to gain a California senate seat against Barbara Boxer (remember the demon sheep ad), Carly moved to Virginia and enmeshed herself with the RNC/GOP party apparatus. She currently homesteads in Virginia and is a frequent cocktail party attendee with Marvin Bush, Jeb’s brother.
Virginia is important for many reasons, not the least of which was the devastating GOP uprising in 2011 which tore down the republican party structure for decision-making and replaced it with a grassroots convention nomination platform. This infuriated the DC-based GOPe professional political class which most visibly took out their anger against former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinnelli in ’13. All support withheld.
Mike Huckabee♦ Mike Huckabee 4% – Huckabee’s role in the strategy stems around a few basic principles. One, his weekend TV show was suffering with horrible ratings and insiders leaked the probability it was not going to be renewed. As an avowed party loyalist Huckabee was in a keen position to be a benefactor to the party apparatus.
Much like Virginia the Arkansas conservative base was/is becoming a threat to the GOPe party apparatus. During the GOPe road-mapping phase the RNC moved the primary dates of VA and AR along with their delegate distributions. Arkansas became a problem for the RNC when Senator Tom Cotton bucked the establishment protocols, won his primary, and then refused to moderate his ‘severe tone’ and message. Cotton was a stallion outside of the GOPe controls, they didn’t like that.
Cotton didn’t back down and actually proved his case by winning his Senate election; unseating an incumbent Senator in the widest possible margin of all the 2014 Senate Races. Cotton was right, the base was right, the GOPe proved wrong again; they don’t like that.
Huckabee is leveraged on behalf of Jeb Bush to split those Arkansas vulgarians and bring back much needed party moderation. The primary date moved, proportional distribution of delegates affirmed, Jeb can succeed by holding down a conservative “movement candidate”.
Rick Perry HeadshotRick Perry 1% – Rick Perry compromised himself most notably with the secret Colorado convention back in the summer of 2011 (Wall Street and Kochs). As a former Republican Governors Association chairman, and close friend of Mississippi’s Haley Barbour, Perry had fine-tuned his establishment bona-fides long after Sarah Palin helped him in his re-election in 2010.
Being term-limited out of Texas office, and having grown attached to the GOPe sway and cocktail class indulgences, Rick Perry became a perfect aide in the delegate distribution plans for the large state of Texas.
Perry’s role, much like Lindsey Graham, was planned in 2014 to take enough of the conservative base vote away from the non-Bush crowd (Cruz, Walker, Paul). It’s a simple divide and conquer strategy which current polling shows would be successful, again if it were not for the presence of Donald Trump. Rick Perry is currently only a viable candidate because of the Wall Street/GOPe Super-PACs constructed to support him. Austin Barbour now handling all of the efforts in Iowa and beyond. BIG TELL.
lindsey_graham♦ Lindsey Graham 0% – As Limbaugh outlines Graham doesn’t stand a chance nationally. But nationally is not where his value lies. He can muck up the works in South Carolina, and he does have a close affinity toward another key player, Governor Nicki Haley.
Like all the previous examples, and specifically because it’s the #3 primary, Graham’s job is to keep Jeb in the game by splitting the “non-jeb” vote. Graham doesn’t even make an attempt to look like a national candidate; he’s a party loyalist and is a tool for the RNC/GOPe to leverage.
kasich-john-gov-official-protrait♦ John Kasich 2% – Kasich is the role model candidate for the RNC/GOPe. Like Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, Mitt Romney et al, he’s the consummate GOPe loyalist. If the RNC had their way every governor would be just like Kasich, just swell; a real team player.
A left-leaning big government moderate republican – from the perspective of the RNC/GOPe what’s not to love. And Kasich holds sway over yet another massive batch of primary delegates, 66, up for grabs on the same day as Florida, March 15th.
Like all the other “splitters” Kasich is specifically on the plan to carve up the “non-jeb” vote and current polling shows how successful the RNC/GOPe plan could be.
♦ George Pataki 0% (New York) and ♦ Jim Gilmore 0% (Virginia) are both party loyalists, and both in the race for the same reason, split the “non-jeb” vote. Have you seen any indication from either candidate that they are actually running a presidential race?
Super-PACs funded by Wall Street, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and structurally organized by the GOPe machine are all Pataki and Gilmore have to show for their presence in the 2015 primary. Have you seen them travel to Florida? Texas? Ohio? Have you witnessed them doing anything, anything at all, which would indicate they are actually in this race to become president?

SUMMARY – This team strategy was assembled by party apparatus, party loyalists, and those who benefit from the goals of the Mitch McConnell/John Boehner Republican party. This strategy began mid-summer 2014. This is not a conspiracy, this is simply a group of like-minded professionals all within the same organization working on behalf of their individual best interests.

In 2014 during the planning phase, the “non-Jeb” candidates were expected to be: • Ted Cruz, • Scott Walker and • Rand Paul (with other outliers possible).

Ben Carson and Bobby Jindal were irrelevant, Donald Trump was never anticipated.

GOP primary 2
Just a Reminder, this is an insurgency. – The modern enemy of Wall Street is Main Street vulgarians. The enemy of the RNC/GOPe is not Democrats, it’s Grassroots Conservatives, more vulgarians.
The Republican Party, and the Republican media apparatus, view us as their enemy. We are the enemy they need to protect themselves from:

In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.
That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

With 18 GOP presidential candidates, for now, it will be that much harder for any candidate to win a majority in any state, let alone eight. (Article July 2015)

GOP-versus-Tea-PartyNow, ask yourself, why would the RNC want to “stymie a movement candidate“? Who exactly does that benefit? Obviously, the “non-movement” candidate, ie “the turtle“.
Isn’t the entire reason for campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina etc. to make a movement/momentum?
In addition Rule #40 changed in 2014 from previously five needed state wins, to a newer threshold of eight (8):

Officially, it’s Rule 40 in the RNC handbook and it states that any candidate for president “shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the delegates from each of eight (8) or more states” before their name is presented for nomination at the national convention. (article March 2014)

Again, ask yourself who does this benefit? A candidate can win seven states outright, and still not have their name presented for nomination?
These rules were made/affirmed in 2014 – Who or what exactly was the GOP concerned about blocking in 2016 that would necessitate such rules? When combined with other rule changes you can clearly identify a consolidation of power within the RNC apparatus intentionally constructed to stop the candidate of the GRASSROOTS from achieving victory.

It’s all part of their GOPe Roadmap.

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update-1 Reference and Resources (internal msm links inside prior outlines):

RNC Rule Changes
RNC Rule Battles

  1. Following The Money
  2. The GOPe Roadmap
  3. ♦ The Roles of The Players – “The Splitters
  4. ♦ How each candidate is aligned in the Roadmap
  5. ♦ Arrow #1 Trump Hits The Super-PACs – The GOPe Achilles Heel
  6. ♦ Arrow #2 Trump Hits Bush – Inside The Wall Street Fortress
  7. ♦ Arrow #3 Trump Cuts Off Rubio/Bush switch – The GOPe Switch
  8. ♦ The Rick Perry Tripwire Exposed – DC Super-Pac
  9. ♦ Jeb Bush Super-Pac Will immediately spend $10 Million
  10. ♦ Proving there is only one political party in Washington DC
  11. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part One (The GOPe Ruse)
  12. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Two (Stop being played)
  13. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Three (Intellectual Details)
  14. ♦ How To Defeat the GOPe Road Map
  15. ♦ Current Polling Exposes – the Ohio, Florida, Texas, Virginia, New York Splitters
  16. ♦ Rush Limbaugh validates – The splitter strategy