Sweet Mother of Hades this is getting beyond absurd.  Another entire media cycle consisting of completely manufactured nonsense projecting their determination of ‘what is’ against the reality of ‘what isn’t’….

Media LyingHaving watched an entire media cycle of punditry pontificate about Donald Trump proposing to deport “by force” 11 to 42 million illegal aliens we find ourselves shaking our heads at how little the MSM think of the viewing audience.
NO-WHERE in Donald Trump’s proposal does he say, or advocate for, the mass “rounding up and subsequent deportation” of millions of illegal aliens.   He never said it, he never proposed it, and it doesn’t exist in his presented Border Solution and Illegal Alien proposal.
It just doesn’t exist, yet the media claim it to be so….
The media, all of them, including Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, The FIVE, Dana Perino et al, along with Anderson Cooper Inc, run the segment of Donald Trump responding to the Chuck Todd question about Obama’s illegal DACA “dreamers” amnesty program, and the 2 million “dreamers”.  Wherein Trump was responding to the hypothetical presentation of NBC Chuck Todd, about what would the “dreamer” classification be if their amnesty would be rescinded.
They would be what they are, ILLEGAL ALIENS.
And as such they would be subject to the same standard of all illegal aliens.  Yes, that means the potential for deportation.
However, what Trump did not say, yet what he is being claimed to have said (by projection) is that he would immediately deport all 11 to 42 million illegals.  Although, it would be OK with me if he did, he never said that.
Don’t believe me?  WATCH FOR YOURSELF:

Trump replied to the question, as Todd interjected the deportation wording, by saying the families should be kept together, and if that means deported through the existing system  as a family, then so be it.
But the sheer manipulated construction of how the media is now framing Trump’s position, is beyond obtuse to a level of intentional LYING.
The MSM take that soundbite with Chuck Todd and then completely make up a claim that Donald Trump is advocating for the forced rounding up and deportation of ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS. A totally manufactured claim.
Trump has called for the deportation of CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS, immediately.  Which is just plain common sense.  That’s actually President Obama’s claimed position too.
It does not go unnoticed this MEME is being promoted at the same time that Donald Trump spent all day sitting amid a potential pool of jurors unable to articulate his own accurate position. Yeah, funny that – huh?
It doesn’t go unnoticed that Trump’s primary high level spokespeople were absent from the talking punditry as this took place.
It doesn’t go unnoticed that Ann Coulter is not booked to counter the preferred distribution narrative.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by those who understand how these penthouse New York media decisions are constructed.
All the media need to begin a narrative out of loin-cloth that doesn’t factually exist in the first place is a complete media cycle to advance a manufactured construct.
See how they roll?
trump winning 2media
