Many people were shocked when Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake fired the Baltimore City Police Commissioner (Chief) yesterday.   Almost everyone was left wondering exactly why did the firing take place with such fervor following the Fraternal Order of Police report.

baltimore mayor facebaltimore batts 2

Having followed the political fiasco since the crisis originally surfaced it is likely the answers lie in the following paragraph:

[…]  It should be noted that as part of this review, repeated requests, including a formal Maryland Public Information Act request, were made of the Baltimore Police Department to supply communications between commanders (both text and email), radio communications tapes and other documents to assist in the review. As of July 6, 2015, Baltimore City FOP Lodge #3 has only received one tape from April 27, 2015 and from only one channel — a small fraction of the information requested.

Full report pdf below:

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And it is prudent not to forget Chief Batt’s connection to the White House:

Police Chief Batts White House Log
