It’s not accidental, it’s not a mistake – nor is it coincidental.

It is a well scripted “social jihad”.

Baltimore Maryland erupts in riots, looting and civil unrest – and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings goes on television to thank the Nation of Islam for their support:

Pictured below -yesterday- are the “Bloods” and “Crips” gangs, together with the Nation of Islam (guys with red bow ties) in Baltimore. Note the Nation of Islam giving the extended forefinger salute representing allegiance with ISIS.
Baltimore bloods crips and noi

Isis soldiers in Syria
ISIS salute 2
ISIS salute 3
ISIS salute 4
Baltimore bloods crips and noi 3

ISIS 2014 (pictured below)

isis burn flag

Ferguson/Saint Louis 2014 (Pictured below)

saint louis flag burning 2

Valdosta State University 2015 (pictured below)

eric sheppard flag
AS PREVIOUSLY OUTLINED – The leader of the student group (pictured above) who was originally protesting, Eric Sheppard Jr., remains wanted by police for violent threats and firearms violations. Weapons were found in his backpack on the school campus. Sheppard fled the campus before police could arrest him. It is rumored Eric Sheppard is in hiding amid several organizations sympathetic to his ‘Islamic radicalization’ cause.
The sunlight upon the campus recruitment for Islamic Radicalization has brought an uncomfortable discussion into the backstory surrounding the events. According to local speculation the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party sympathizers are assisting Sheppard in avoiding law enforcement.
Had it not been for an Air Force veteran, Michelle Manhart, bringing national attention to the group – the activity taking place on the VSU campus would never have been scrutinized.
vsu campus 2VSU campus
Eric Sheppard Jr was actively recruiting black students at VSU to take up his cause. Self-identified as anti-Christian and a follower of Islam, Sheppard was advocating for black students to join a violent uprising to destroy the social fabric of the U.S. His hate-speech was permitted on campus under the auspices of “free speech”.
However, the reality of his speech was/is a call for violence. Once that aspect was identified and shown to campus authorities, their opinion of the event changed dramatically.
Sheppard’s goals align with an aspect visible in social protests that is missing throughout all mainstream media coverage.
As we discovered in the Ferguson “Mike Brown Protests”, the actual agitating forces behind the protest were/are of Islamic origin. An example is the “Operation Ferguson” movement itself actually being coordinated by an Islamic group in Pakistan.
When you peel back the layers of inter-connected activity what you find is Arab Muslims exploiting black sentiment in the U.S. to further what would be best called a “social jihad”.
Young black populations throughout various communities in the U.S. are being indoctrinated to rail against Christianity in favor of Islam, radical Islam. And as a consequence racism is being used as the wedge to draw a manipulative contrast.
Christianity defined by the various Muslim groups as a “white religion”, and Islam promoted as a “black religion”. If you listen to the justifications within the advocacy highlighted on the VSU campus, or in Ferguson Missouri, or in Madison Wisconsin, or in Charlottesville Virginia, or the latest events in Baltimore Maryland, you’ll find this common theme.
Arab Muslim advocates using wedge issues and promoting grievances to stir up controversy and sell a belief system. Their goal is actually quite strategic: to attack the U.S. socially from the inside out.
However, their sales pitch is fraught with contradictions and factual aspects that must be avoided; that’s why they generally appeal to younger populations, easier to manipulate. As someone earlier noted if you look to the recent example of genocide via slaughter of black Africans in Darfur, it was Arab Muslims killing black African Muslims. It was pure race hate for blacks just as the Arab Muslims have always demonstrated.
Few young people are able to understand the inherent racism within Arabic ideology toward African blacks. Libya’s former dictator, Muamar Gaddaffi, was the gatekeeper between North Africa and Europe; he was also a prime example of a pure racist even in his terrorist activities.
Islam DemonstrationIslam, in a very direct way, is a political system not a tolerant religious belief. As a consequence it can be used to leverage goals based on deception and scheme. In Darfur the black Africans were already Sunni Muslim but the Arab Muslims killed them anyway, solely for being black.
In the U.S. the current Islamic goal is to promote political anarchy through racism by convincing young blacks to think white Christians have historically oppressed them. This is the message you see throughout Eric Sheppard’s on campus speeches.
Sheppard does this with a simultaneous message to promote Islam as a colorblind religion. Weaving in and out of topics based on historical misguided liberal use of the term “colonialism”. However, the exact opposite is factually true. History reflects Arab Muslims have slaughtered, enslaved and are continually exploiting black people based specifically on their race.
That very identified exploitation and manipulation continues today through a keenly targeted Arab Muslim promotion of “Black Lives Matter”, or “F**k The Police”, or fill in the chosen blank.
The Islamic goal is removal of Western values, Christianity, and ultimately freedom, which all run counter to their political ends.
saint louis flag burning 2Valdosta State University
Saint Louis/Ferguson (left) or Valdosta State University (right) the message is the same…..
…. and now Baltimore – watch the video:

Baltimore bloods crips and noi 3
