I’ve debated Moonbats for a long time. I’ve also read enough Moonbattery to identify when it becomes Pulitzer prize worthy. The level of intellectual pretzel logic inside this New Republic article highlights just how dissonant Moonbats can be.


Against the backdrop of the Rolling Stone false UVA rape story – an author at the New Republic argues the problem with conservatives is their desire to find the truth behind events.

This horrible tendency to find the truth diminishes the message needed by a collective narrative; which is ultimately dependent on accepting the story regardless of merit….

New Republic […] The right, on the other hand, tends to understand politics on the individual level, which fits in neatly with a general obsession with the capital-i Individual. Thus, the right tends to pore over the specific details of high-profile cases like those of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, concluding that if those particular situations were embattled by complications or mitigating factors, then the phenomena they’re meant to represent must not be real either. And if a few highly publicized rapes turn out to be murkier than first represented, then rape itself is not a crisis, just a regrettable and rare anomaly.” (more)

According to the author, in the aftermath of the UVA story, what the Rolling Stone did wrong was allow an emphasis on truth to diminish the importance of the message.

liberal staircase instructions

Sign in the stairwell of The New Republic publishing office.
