This stuff is getting beyond absurd.

To give the municipal government a fair shake they are claiming the guy wasn’t arrested for failure to mow his grass; he was technically arrested because he failed to pay the fines levied for not mowing his grass.

…”The statement also made it clear [the municipal courts] would not arrest someone for not mowing their grass”…

They arrest people (issue warrants) for not paying the fines for not mowing their grass. See the difference?

Regardless, this stuff is dangerous and absurd – stop the slippery slope, I want to get off.

GRAND PRAIRIE (CBS 11 NEWS) – A showdown over high grass and city codes prompted a Grand Prairie man to take himself to jail.

“I didn’t know what else to do,” said 57 year old Rick Yoes.

Rick Yoes says he’s had trouble with the city before because his yard looked like this. In the past, he’s been able to bring it into compliance. But he says he was shocked to learn the city had issued warrants for six outstanding code violations he didn’t know about.

“I can’t really afford to pay a lawyer to fight it,” Yoes said. “I couldn’t really afford to pay them $1700 in fines that he said I owed him. I didn’t know what else to do I just turned myself in.”

After turning himself in, Yoes spent the weekend in jail before a friend payed off his fine.  (read more)



I’m sure people have a different opinion than me on this issue, but I find this governmental approach ridiculous in the extreme.  If the guy, or gal, want an unkempt lawn that’s his decision to make….  Leave people alone !
