Washington Post author Richard Cohen is trying -miserably- to construct an analogy of political rushing to judgment surrounding Benghazi Libya and Ferguson Missouri. “Trying” is obviously the operative word.


[Richard Cohen] …Ferguson has become the liberal Benghazi. It is more of a cause than a place, more of an ideological statement than an incident. Ferguson was not the racist murder it was thought to be, and Benghazi was not an incident in which the Obama administration’s incompetence or timidity allowed four Americans to die. The facts argue otherwise. (link)

Wordsmithing analogies require some level of similarity. Toward that end only the most inane of liberal minds could possibly conceive of a proposition claiming the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty – have any comparison to a Ferguson street thug attacking a police officer; yet Cohen tries.

So in an effort to actually provide Cohen with similarity allow me to show what was, factually, similar in both instances.


Cohen’s efforts focus on comparing the aftermath, but what Cohen misses entirely is the concept of truth. While the police in Ferguson might have made some missteps in presenting the fullest evolution of immediately known information -I would argue to an unwilling audience- there is simply no comparison to the intentional deception delivered by Team Clinton in the Benghazi aftermath.

Unlike the U.S. State Department, the CIA apparatus and the White House, the Ferguson police department did not lie, nor did they make any efforts to lie. The Ferguson police were simply trying to provide the facts amid a media frenzy set to sell a narrative despite those facts.

Hillary Clinton, the State Department and the White House were intentionally constructing wholesale NONSENSE out of thin air. Ferguson police were trying to present the facts of a deadly shooting. The media audience for the former was aligned to sell the NONSENSE because it fit the preferred liberal narrative; the media audience for the latter were aligned to dismiss the truth of the Ferguson shooting because it did not align with the liberal narrative.

The author’s newspaper, The Washington Post, was at the forefront in selling both the lies that were presented by the Clinton State Department, and the lies that were constructed absent of the facts in the Ferguson shooting. That is the similarity.

The Washington Post was aligned to sell lies in both examples.

Right there, Mr. Cohen, there is your analogy.

obama and hillary
