You know the Starbucks brand image consultants are either: rushing, or full-on moonbat stupid – when they hashtag name their cause “#Racetogether”.

This is, after all, a Social Justice Obama-era of social “ism’s” replete with little check boxes for you to mark your “privilege”, and views on “sexism” – and so forth.

Gender social issues have been advanced (by 3% of the population) to a status of priority just below the top tier, just below race, when the moonbats howl.  Remember also, from the brain of the campus rape culture narrative flag bearers – this is a big effen’ deal. So allow me to point out the Moonbattery of the Starbucks committee.

#Racetogether = Race-To-Get-Her. Starbucks is promoting the rape culture.

I digress. Here’s their handout:

starbucks race relations 5

