This is actually quite stunning, even for a Clinton.

The defenders of Hillary Clinton have stated that during her tenure as Secretary of State the Clinton foundation (Clinton Global Initiative, or CGI) did not take money from foreign governments. You might have heard that ‘talking point’ repeated frequently over the past two weeks whenever the issue was raised.

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~ Now we know why she was all alone wearing green ~

However, recent inquiry and admissions by the Clinton Team now indicate that talking point is not true.  Not even close to being true.

As the Washington Post points out, the Clinton Foundation DID TAKE money from the governments Hillary was visiting and dealing with while she was Secretary of State. The only thing that changed during her tenure was that no NEW governments were allowed to participate.

Here’s the paragraphs from the Washington Post (emphasis mine):

[…]  Most of the contributions were possible because of exceptions written into the foundation’s 2008 agreement, which included limits on foreign-government donations.

The agreement, reached before Clinton’s nomination amid concerns that countries could use foundation donations to gain favor with a Clinton-led State Department, allowed governments that had previously donated money to continue making contributions at similar levels.

The new disclosures, provided in response to questions from The Washington Post, make clear that the 2008 agreement did not prohibit foreign countries with interests before the U.S. government from giving money to the charity closely linked to the secretary of state.  (link)

A rather profound difference from the talking points over the past two weeks, and it gets worse.

Not only did Clinton’s foundation take money from governments while she was Secretary of State, despite the White House “ethics agreement” there was at least one instance where Hillary’s foundation took money from a NEW government donor who only contributed WHILE she was Secretary of State.

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