Denis McDonough, President Obama’s Chief of Staff, was questioned today about the collapse of the entire Yemeni government. In his response you find the ridiculous evidence of how the White House is totally incompetent/inept. McDonough is asked “did we not see this coming”?
His initial response comes at 1:00 min.

“Let us remind everybody what the president was saying when he made those remarks a couple of months ago that everyone is referring to. He’s saying that; given that al-Qaeda is going to hide in dark spaces, and take advantage of tumultious political situations [..] we should have a partnership strategy that works to press governments … to make sure that they are making the right political choices”…

Moments later, the ineptitude surfaces and the quote is at 03:45:

“We were not surprised that this government collapsed; we knew this was an ongoing challenge over the course of the last several months.”

Within three minutes, on the same show, McDonough states President Obama was recognizing Yemen “several months ago” as a representative example of success, to President Obama knew “several months ago” that Yemen was about to collapse.
…Any questions?
