bosley and Johnson
♦ #1) Mike Brown’s cigarillo robbery cohort, Dorian Johnson, claims in his grand jury testimony he and Mike Brown initially met up that Saturday morning around 7am.
However, the robbery at the Ferguson Liquor Store and Market didn’t take place until 11:40am.  The store is only a 10-15 minute walk.  (GJ Vol #4, Page 25)
dorian page 25
So what did they do for four hours?
Dorian’s Grand Jury testimony offers no answers. 
♦ #2) Yesterday we discovered Mike Brown was at that same liquor store at 1:16am that same Saturday morning, August 9th.  10 hours before the return visit to steal the cigars.   Again, Dorian says they met up at 7:00am.  (Investigator Report Page 172)
Did Mike Brown even go to sleep that Friday night into Saturday morning?
♦ #3) Dorian says that he and Mike Brown were going to smoke some weed, but needed the cigarillos to make blunts.   Mike was going to “match” Dorian.  (GJ Vol #4, Page #27)
dorian page 27
Yet, if they only needed cigarillos  why walk all the way to the liquor store, when there was a Quick Trip convenience store much closer.  They actually walked past the convenience store to get to the Ferguson Market and Liquors.  Why?
big mike 3
♦ #4) Lastly, and this one REALLY stuns me, in that no-one in the media has picked up on it: why is Dorian Johnson allowed to get away with denying his physical involvement in attacking Darren Wilson?
Especially when there is absolute physical evidence that proves Dorian was an active participant in the physical assault.
Dorian was wearing a yellow and black bracelet when he was in the Liquor Store.  It is clearly evident on his right wrist.
bracelet 2
bracelet evidence 3
bracelet evidence 2
There’s no way Dorian lost his bracelet as a mere inactive static witness to Mike Brown struggling with Officer Darren Wilson.  (he actually lost two bracelets)
Dorian says he was standing on the Right Side of Mike Brown.  Between the rear drivers side door and the drivers door (Vol #7, page #48):
dorian page 48
He later claims to have run around the rear of the SUV to hide behind a White Monte Carlo.
bracelet evidence 3
So how does a bracelet, that was on his *right* wrist, as he is standing on the *right side* of Mike Brown, mysteriously fall from his hand, as he was never doing anything except just standing there, end up in exactly the opposite location from where he claims to be standing?

Furthermore, why has NO-ONE, not a single media source, ever picked up on this aspect to the story?

It might be understandable back in August, when we first brought it up, because there was a possibility we were wrong when pointing out the object on the ground – which we felt confident was a bracelet, but could not be 100%.
But now there is ABSOLUTE PROOF we were correct.
bracelet evidence
So what gives?
Why is nobody talking about this absolutely damning evidence that Dorian was more than just a bystander/observer to the incident? 
And why would a good source tell us the FBI sought, received, and used a court order to remove the High Definition versions of the Ferguson CCTV video from the internet?
Is it because the bracelet is most easily identifiable in the High Definition video, and someone doesn’t want that aspect of the physical evidence known -that information in the media – because Dorian is not supposed to be (according to plan) complicit or charged?
High Def Vid screengrab:
bracelet 2
Non High Def Vid Screengrab:
Darian Johnson Bracelet
Dorian johnson giving statement
Someone doesn’t want Dorian Johnson’s full involvement known.
…Until we know who, we can’t find out why.
