Rush Limbaugh was the first national personality to point out the strategy President Obama uses to distance himself from his own policies. In essence Obama uses anger directed toward his own administration when the consequences from his policies reach sunlight.
As Rush previously stated, the Obama outrage is phony and only reflected to give himself plausible deniability. It’s not that Obama doesn’t support the policy, he does, the outrage is pure politics.
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Previous examples include: Initial faux-anger and outrage over the IRS targeting, which evolves into “not a smidgen of corruption”. Initial faux-anger and outrage over the VA scandal, which evolves into sending a White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Rob Nabors, to Arizona to protect the administration from consequence.
Now the Ebola CDC faux-outrage which requires another White House “political fixer”, Ron Klain, to protect the administration from consequence.  The “outrage” is all part of the strategy.
