Just another typical batch of instructions from the CRS
In order to facilitate direct terror attacks against Police Officers and their families in Ferguson Missouri, the Federal Department of Justice is demanding the names of the police officers be made evident on their uniforms. (Letter Below) It is apparently too difficult to coordinate attacks against the individual officers and their families if the names are not readily available.
In addition the DOJ is requesting the Ferguson Police department make it a easier to isolate Officer Wilson.
I am darren wilson bracelet
The DOJ is demanding that any supportive items of Darren Wilson, such as the bracelet recently pictured on the arm of another officer, be immediately removed.
The alter of racial sacrifice is patiently waiting the arrival of Wilson and the Community Relations Service (CRS) views it as awkward if the Ferguson PD is perceived to be standing in support of law and order.
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The CRS is concerned the Ferguson community is being held to an unreasonable expectation of lawfulness.
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