It is important to understand the danger of how Qatar has been playing the U.S., to understand how the Gitmo-5 will align and the inherent danger the media will not follow.

Gitmo detainees released 2

How Our Stinger Missiles Wound Up In Afghanistan Being Used Against Our Own Troops:

On February 15th 2011 a civil war erupted inside Libya.   Egyptian Islamists previously  freed from jail by the Muslim Brotherhood flooded into Eastern Libya and joined with their ideological counterparts.  al-Qaeda operatives hell bent on using the cover of the Arab Spring to finally rid themselves of their nemesis, Muammar Gaddafi.

President Obama chose to ignore an outbreak of violence in Libya for 19 days.  Perhaps Obama was tentative from the criticism he and Hillary received over the mixed messaging in Egypt.  Regardless, eventually Obama was begged to engage himself by leaders from France, The United Kingdom, and Italy.

The White House advisors (Emanuel, McDonough, Donolin, Jarrett, Axelrod, Plouffe) were more cautious this time.  Initially Obama ignored the EU requests and later chose to dispatch the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to Europe to address their concerns.

"Look, enough with the jokes shorty; you got us into this mess, now the turban heads are laughing at us"... "ah, bot of course, zeh av bullets, no? Vee ave to shoot"
“Look, enough with the jokes shorty; you got us into this mess, now the turban heads are laughing at us”… “ah, bot of course, zeah av bullets, no? Vee ave to shoot”

For the following 11 days American citizens, including State Dept. embassy officials, were trying to evacuate the country as vast swathes of the country erupted in bloodshed and violence, they became trapped in Tripoli.   A bloody national revolution was underway.

The United Nations Security Council held urgent immediate emergency meetings to try to determine what to do.    However, the United States Ambassador to those meetings, Susan Rice, was not present.    She was attending a global warming summit in Africa.

Without the U.S. present the United  Nations weighed options and decided to place monetary restrictions on Gaddafi and try to cut of his funding sources for war.  In addition the United Nations charged the Libyan regime with high crimes against its citizenry and a resolution to bring charges in the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the entire Gaddafi family.

Again, the United States UN ambassador (Susan Rice) was not present.  Instead the U.S. Obama administration preferred to keep Susan Rice in Africa at a global climate change conference discussing, among other things, the contribution of bovine flatulence to planetary warming.   The civil war raged in the streets.  Thousands of Libyans dead now.

“Where’s Waldo” became a similar media joke for Obama’s leadership absence.

Obama was golfing.     Finally someone on the optics team tapped him on the shoulder and said “err, hey boss, this ain’t looking so good“.   So, after 19 days of bloodshed and violence, and after the first botched State Dept attempt at rescuing Americans (ship was too small and broken down – finally replaced with successful rescue), Obama spoke.

power-rice-rodham-clinton-2Sarkosy with Clinton - whatz weeth you americanz now

Previous to, simultaneous with, and following his broadcasted statements, Obama’s words were contradictory with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.  For over two weeks the American people joined with their European cousins in trying to figure out exactly what was the intended direction by President Obama.

The civil war continued to rage, but Gaddafi was organized and headed toward Benghazi. Thousands more Libyans dead now and a dangerous aspect had come to light.  “The rebels” were actually al-Qaeda..

Finally a fuzzy U.S. policy became clearer.

Three sets of dry cleaned pantsuits took charge.    U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and Senior foreign policy advisor Samantha Power, pulled him off the golf course, got his attention, and demanded war against Libya.

Initially the golfer was hesitant, but the pantsuits explained it was making him look bad, and outlined a new doctrine “Responsibility to Protect“, or R2P .

Samantha Power Leaving White House West WingSamantha Power - Susan Rice - President Obama

“Optics”, yikes, that matters.  36 hours later the military was en-route.   Then when the media leaks began someone said “Wait, can he do that“?  “All on his own and stuff“?

Alphabet channel faces bumped into each other in the latte line and asked “should we talk about this“?   Hence, a question was raised to Obama’s press secretary.   The next day, with less than an hour and a half before the missiles fired, Obama put down his clubs and told someone.

Six members of House and Senate leadership were told ten minutes before a press conference to announce the “plan of the pantsuits”.

Three months, a naval fleet, 3,000 marines, one Billion dollars, and 450 cruise missiles later, it’s May 2011 and Obama had yet to ask for permission to engage in his offensive war from anyone but himself and the previously noted ‘club of the traveling pantsuits’.

Despite the Office of Legal Council (the golfers own legal team) telling him approval is needed, he chose to violate the War Powers Act and more importantly the Constitution.

It is critical to remember the political battle being waged at the time over whether President Obama had the authority to take “offensive military action”, without congressional approval,  when the threat was not against the United States.

It’s critical because from that initial impetus you find the reason why arming the Libyan rebels had to be done by another method – because President Obama never consulted congress, nor sought permission.

Obama Libya BombingNormally, in order to send arms to the rebels lawfully, President Obama would have to request approval from Congress.

He did not want to do that.   Partly because he was arrogant, and partly because he did not want the politically charged fight that such a request would engage.  It would hamper his ability to take unilateral action in Libya.

So an alternate method of arming the rebels needed to be structured.    Enter the State Department, Hillary Clinton, and CIA David Petraeus.

Weapons, specifically MANPADS or shoulder fired missiles, would be funneled to the Benghazi rebels by the State Dept, through the CIA under the auspices of ongoing NATO operations.   May, June, July, August, Sept, 2011 this covert process was taking place.

It was this covert missile delivery process which later became an issue after Gaddafi was killed.    It was during the recovery of these missiles , and the redeployment/transfer to the now uprising “Syrian Rebels” when Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed on Sept. 11th 2012.

However, in order to draw the connection to Qatar, we need to look at a timeline.

Despite the massive amount of media coverage surrounding reports of thousands of missiles flowing out of the Libyan crisis, the media always seemed to miss talking about the risks or follow up on where the missiles ended their journey.

The Libyan HillbilliesLibya4_3-20

So it was left to a group of new media and bloggers to keep track of the consequences.  Which we did.   However, now with Qatar back in the headlines there are more dots being connected.

[O]n July 25, 2012, Taliban fighters in Kunar province successfully targeted a US Army CH-47 helicopter with a new generation Stinger missile.

They thought they had a surefire kill. But instead of bursting into flames, the Chinook just disappeared into the darkness as the American pilot recovered control of the aircraft and brought it to the ground in a hard landing.

The assault team jumped out the open doors and ran clear in case it exploded. Less than 30 seconds later, the Taliban gunner and his comrade erupted into flames as an American gunship overhead locked onto their position and opened fire.

The next day, an explosive ordnance disposal team arrived to pick through the wreckage and found unexploded pieces of a missile casing that could only belong to a Stinger missile.

Lodged in the right nacelle, they found one fragment that contained an entire serial number.

The investigation took time. Arms were twisted, noses put out of joint. But when the results came back, they were stunning: The Stinger tracked back to a lot that had been signed out by the CIA recently, not during the anti-Soviet ­jihad.

Reports of the Stinger reached the highest echelons of the US command in Afghanistan and became a source of intense speculation, but no action.

Everyone knew the war was winding down. Revealing that the Taliban had US-made Stingers risked demoralizing coalition troops. Because there were no coalition casualties, government officials made no public announcement of the attack.

My sources in the US Special Operations community believe the Stinger fired against the Chinook was part of the same lot the CIA turned over to the ­Qataris in early 2011, weapons Hillary Rodham Clinton’s State Department intended for anti-Khadafy forces in Libya.

They believe the Qataris delivered between 50 and 60 of those same Stingers to the Taliban in early 2012, and an additional 200 SA-24 Igla-S surface-to-air missiles.  (link)

On September 5th 2012 the Democrat National Convention was taking place in North Carolina; Bill Clinton was speaking to the audience.

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Thalia Ramirez.  Ramirez was killed when her OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan Sept. 5, 2012.  Ramirez was assigned to Troop F, 1-17 Air Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division. Photo: Photo Courtesy Pro Image Digital;Inc., Courtesy / U.S. ArmyAt the exact time Clinton was speaking in North Carolina, halfway around the world in Afghanistan Army Chief Warrant Officers  Thalia  S. Ramirez, 28, of San Antonio and Jose  L. Montenegro Jr., 31, of San Juan, in the Rio Grande Valley, were killed while flying an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, a Defense  Department news release stated.

While the Democrats assembled in North Carolina were trumpeting a Republican “war on women” Thalia Ramirez became the first black female pilot killed in Afghanistan.

Later it was discovered and reported in Aviation News –

Afghan and coalition forces on Sunday arrested a Taliban commander who allegedly coordinated an attack against a coalition helicopter in eastern Afghanistan, killing two American soldiers, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said on Monday(read more)

Yep.   Another U.S. air asset shot down by yet another missile.

The following week, September 11th 2012,  the joint U.S. State Dept. / CIA operation in Benghazi Libya hit the news with the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens, his aide Sean Smith, and CIA security assets Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

Rut roh.    You can smell the risk.


You can also see the disconnect between the Obama political team, and the U.S. State Dept. political team led by Hillary Clinton.    It doesn’t take an in tune political follower to understand why Team Clinton was at a greater risk than Team Obama.   This was a joint CIA/State Dept. operation.

Obama had plausible deniability.    Hillary, not so much.

Hence, at 10:30pm on September 11th 2012, while the fight in Benghazi was still going on, Hillary was the one quick with a dispatch to the media:

Cairo 1 - State Dept Statement

Not team Obama.

Team Obama just followed the Hillary narrative:  “Demonstrators, Random, U-Tube Movie, Spontaneous” etc.    Meh, “what difference does it make?”…

However, there was a risk to Team Obama “IF” more missile attacks continued, and “IF” the media began to suspect this recent Taliban air-strike accuracy was more than just luck.

President Obama and the political leadership in control of the military quickly moved to insure the risk-exposure was reduced.    By the end of September 2012 new orders and instructions were given to the military in Afghanistan.

As a soldier noted when he wrote back to Dad following a change on the ground:

Dear Dad, […]  I don’t think that the American citizens would be happy if they knew that their soldiers were being prohibited from defending themselves in any way because of politically driven orders, but that is precisely what is happening in this war right now even as I write this letter. The soldiers of the U.S. never engage the enemy unless we know that we have will always have the tactical advantage in defending ourselves, that advantage is the use of close air support and air weapons team.

To take those weapons away from us is to level the playing field for the enemy and thus exposing our soldiers to more danger. In the school house they teach us that the minimum ratio that we are to engage the enemy with, is a 3:1 ratio. In other words, we have the highest probability of winning because we don’t fight fair. The sound tactical principles behind this teaching have saved lives. The very presence of aircraft over our foot patrols has also saved lives and now our chain of command is being told by our political leadership that this is now not allowed. (link)

No ground support air cover ?   Limited flights now taking place over Afghanistan ?

As a direct consequence of surface to air missiles in the hands of the Taliban the United States changed the battle strategy to reduce risk to airborne assets.

…. and now we have the specific tracking of Stinger Missile serial numbers showing they were delivered from the CIA to the government of Qatar;  while intended for Libyan “rebels”, but delivered to the Taliban…. and used to kill our guys.

…. AND where do we choose to send the GITMO-5 ?

Gitmo detainees released


Go Figure !

Your thoughts ?
