Jim Hoft at GateWayPundit asks:

Democrats are hemorhaging over Obamacare and the destruction of the US health care system. One-sixth of the economy is affected and millions of Americans were repeatedly lied to by Democrats in order to get the law passed. So what do Republican leaders plan to do this year? Pass amnesty.

Boehner with GOP Leadership

On its face it does seem ridiculous.   However, there really is a good reason for The Republican Party to approach it.   Notice it’s the “Republican Party Leadership” doing this push -meaning, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell- not the rank and file.

“There is definitely a growing mood of confusion and aggravation among conservatives in the House over the immigration issue right now,” one House GOP aide said in an email to Breitbart News, adding that many on the right find the “political logic” of riling up the party’s base so close to a low-turnout midterm election baffling.  “Do we really want to just give up the midterms like this?” the aide asked.   (via Breitbart link)

Here’s what’s going on.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, headed by Tom Donohue, is specifically lobbying for two very distinct legislative reforms.    The first was national healthcare, or “ObamaCare”, the second is immigration reform or “Amnesty”.

For all intents and purposes the CoC own the Republican Party Leadership and they have done for many years.   The CoC, and its affiliated business / corporate groups on K-Street, spend tens of millions electing the McConnell/Boehner types and insuring their legislative priorities are advance regardless of political consequence.

McConnell and Boehner

The CoC et al, provide the safety net which allows the Republican Leaders to operate detached from their rank-and-file, and electoral base.    If a GOP Leader loses his/her job, because they advance CoC Inc initiatives and get primaried or defeated, the CoC uses its big influence to hire the defeated into a cushy private sector position.  Eventually they may return to DC as a lobbyist – most do.

The CoC (incorporated business interests) want “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” for the same reason they wanted -and got- “Obamacare”.

Both legislative constructs are simply a way to reduce the cost of goods sold, and/or the operational costs of the inherent business, thereby improving the profit margin subsequently insuring favorable Wall Street stock evaluations based on current and predicted success.

If you really want to see the stock market contract/drop – remove ObamaCare.   One of the reasons companies have seen record stock growth is the predictive value of their ability to drop the cost of employee health care from the liability side of the ledger.

All of the corporate and business interests represented by the CoC et al, are currently dependent on their ability to take a growing and increasingly unquantifiable liability, employee health insurance benefit, and move it to an easily quantifiable cost – The per employee payment to government for Healthcare.

U.S. business interests have been trying for years to level the playing field against the global production markets by removing the cost of healthcare from the business sector and giving it to the public sector (govt).    ObamaCare was constructed specifically to assist them in this endeavor.

For Mr. Widget-Maker the cost of employee healthcare is now removed from the cost of the Widget and can be quantified as a payment cost just like all other taxes and liabilities.


Another embedded cost of the Widget is the labor cost.   With the benefits side of “Wages and Benefits” being reduced by Obamacare, the Wage side now becomes a focus.

The Democrats are pushing for an increase in the minimum wage.   Simultaneously there are various progressive government initiatives (dependencies) which have reduced the eligible pool of low-skill employees.

Immigration reform or “Amnesty” increases the low-skill/low-wage, pool of eligible workers and therefore provides the CoC Inc with a consistent resource of low wage costs.

Both Obamacare and Amnesty are fine tuned to insure a lower cost of doing business for the Widget-maker.    Making the Widget simply costs less.    This allows the profit margin to widen – and the subsequent stock evaluations to continue to grow.

However, under these manipulated controls of cost, unlike the free market principles, with a reduced cost of goods you will not see the retail price for the widget drop.

The retail price will remain static as the Stock Valuation benefits.     The profit margin, formerly squeezed by consumer inability to pay more and ever increasing wage/benefit costs, is now able to accept pressure again.

They CoC (Boehner and McConnell acting on their behalf)  will still fight against any raises in the minimum wage – but if they can get amnesty along with ObamaCare you will not see them fight too hard because they will be willing to give up a little on the labor side as a win to the Democrats.


Summary:   #1) Government takes over Health Care – Obamacare – a win for Dems and Big R’s.    #2) Immigration reform gets passed – Amnesty – a win for Dems and Big R’s.   #3)  The minimum wage gets increased – another win for Obama, Dems and palatable for Big R’s.

Who is losing ?      You Are.

How?   The costs discussed above don’t magically disappear they are just moved and become embedded in tax rates.    It’s sharing the wealth, without anyone actually recognizing their wealth is being shared.

See how it works?

Baby Newt
