
Earlier today I was having a casual conversation with a long-time coworker.  We talked about this and that, and she asked me if I was following the Jodi Arias trial.

My coworker is a woman in her sixties, very well read, and is more conservative than not, I would say.

I responded to her that I knew about the trial, but hadn’t been “following” the trial.  I knew about the verdict, knew that the penalty phase was still to be decided.  Then, I brought up the three other big topics in the news this week – the Kermit Gosnell trial, the Benghazi hearing, and the Cleveland kidnapper.

Shocked.  She didn’t know about Kermit Gosnell, or about the Benghazi hearing.  I explained both to her.

Then I heard Rush Limbaugh’s commentary, “Low-Info American isn’t watching Benghazi”.


Benghazi? Low-Info America is Watching Jodi Arias and the Cleveland Kidnapping

RUSH: Not much going on out there today, folks.  There really isn’t very much.  The big news continues to be the Jodi Arias verdict and the guys in Cleveland, the alternative lifestyle guys.  The Benghazi hearings, you may have heard about them.  They’re taking place in Washington.  You may not have heard about the Benghazi hearings, actually. It’s just the Republicans’ latest attempt to politicize a highly successful Obama administration policy.  And once again the Republicans are showing that about all they have is their partisan chops, nothing really to see here.  Jay Carney at the White House, the spokesman, says nothing really going on.

In fact, at Yahoo News, which is a favored news site for low-information voters, they have one story on Benghazi. What they do, they basically publish the feeds from ABC and AP and Reuters, that’s what they do in general, not just Benghazi, but that’s Yahoo News, ABC, AP, and Reuters.  And the one story on Benghazi at Yahoo News has the headline:  “Democrats:  GOP Fails to Show Scandal in Benghazi Deaths.”   Continue Reading


We here at CTH sometimes forget that not everyone is following the news the way that we do, and depend on ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN for their news.  It is really depressing to realize that otherwise good, intelligent, people don’t know about the important stories of the day because the big media outlets refuse to cover them.

I wish I had the solution.  All I have to suggest is that each of us needs to patiently and courteously teach our family members, friends and coworkers whenever possible, and hope that it piques their curiosity, and that they will pass it on to others who had no idea either.  Post to Facebook, and Twitter too.  Do what you can do – each of us can educate a few people every day, if they are open to the education.

Here’s the last post I wrote about Speaking Up.

I hope at least some of you take this to heart.  We often wonder if we are just speaking to the choir, or if we are reaching any of the thousands of people who read us every day, but don’t comment.  I really, really, really, hope that we are!  I have to believe that we are.

