fabian-400-glassFabian Socialists = Modern Day Progressives. Modern Day Progressives are the Democrat Party. The Saul Alinsky approach is their preferred method of ideological advancement, and MSNBC is the primary professional media outlet for their messaging and optic systems.

Last week MSNBC ran a commercial for their network featuring Melissa Harris Perry.  The commercial was discussed in multiple forums because the message being delivered was “All your children are belong to us”.    Perry is a Tulane University professor and MSNBC host.

What is more interesting is the follow up commercial, the latest version.   This too outlines the Fabian Doctrine;  Only this one is about socialist economic models, the ideology of the economy the modern progressive movement are pushing right now:

MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY: Americans will always want some level of inequality because it’s a representation of a meritocracy.  People who work hard and sacrifice and save their money and make major contributions: we think that they should earn a little more. And they should have more resources. And that’s fine.

But we also however have to have a floor under which nobody falls. And if you’re below that, especially if you’re a child and you’re below that, we are not going to accept that. You do have the right to health care, and to education, and to decent housing and to quality food at all times.

This is EXACTLY the descriptive of Socialism.   AND it’s also the reason why this approach has been tried, and tried again, and always fails.

When you divide a singular pie, according to each persons worth – and all persons are of equal worth – you create a system where regardless of your contribution you gain benefit.  The “Everyone Deserves A Trophy” principle.

The “floor” as Melissa Harris Perry puts it, is paid for by the laborious efforts of those who are above the floor.   Simultaneously, you have people, like Perry, attempting to “raise the floor” or give people stuff:  Free Obamaphones etc., by taking from the people furthest away from the floor.

The economic model actually created through this historical principle is a process where individual effort is NOT-REWARDED;  Because all you end up with is giving your effort to someone else who is lazy, or, more commonly, who makes a strategic decision not to rise above the floor because the benefit will always be there with -or without- effort.

Why should I go to work, hold a job, have to actually effort myself, when I can stay home and get paid by the government through public assistance, get food via food-stamps, get housing payments, free day care, free healthcare, free phones and internet service, etc.  All of which have an economic value higher than what I could attain if I had to exert my own effort.

Where is the incentive?

There simply is no incentive when you are willing to afford a floor under people which is, in large and significant part, a far higher lifestyle than a rich person in the next 20 countries?

Obesity is now the #1 greatest health risk for a poor person – THINK ABOUT THAT.

If you worked you would have to pay for your own housing, your own day care, your own food, your own gas, your own strippers, your own cell phone bill and internet service, your own healthcare, and your own childs school lunch.

Yikes !

There are so many who not only become dependent on government, but who actually make a concious decision NOT to afford themselves, simply because it’s far easier.

And when that point is reached, where there are more takers than producers, how do the Fabians restructure things?

Simple – they just kill off the lower class of dependents they create and start over.

Of course it is in this “killing of the dependents” that Socialism usually collapses – because the hypocrisy of the ideology comes screaming to the forefront…. and, well, people generally don’t want to die n’ stuff.

You were willing to give me a phone – now you want me dead ??


Yep, that’s how it rolls.
