Not everyone will understand the coded message in the headline.  That’s ok.

Here is the media report from yesterday’s fiasco…. (HatTip Manybuddies)

Here are some random thoughts to chew on….

Anyone who believes a simultaneous (dovetailed, enveloped etc) Immunity hearing / Trial to be a good thing would have to believe that:

After weeks of testimony on Television, and after weeks of pundits talking about a dead child, and after the prosecution plays out their case, and after the defense is allowed to present limited rebuttal, and after President Obama proclaims his choice, and after the Professional BGI has spent weeks shooting out talking points 24/7 to MSNBC and media, and after the Congressional Black Caucus holds “Justice Rallys”, and after Benjamin Crump, Natalie Jackson and Daryl Parks fill the airwaves, and after the facial expressions of the jurors are discussed each day for hours, and during the middle of summer when school is not in session, and after throngs of hoodie wearing, banner clad -Skittle Carrying- marchers walk circles in front of the courthouse,…….  after all of that, Judge Debra S. Nelson is going to say:

….forget letting it go to the jury, he’s immune.



Oh, the defense is not allowed to know the identity of Witness #8, or the actual address, age, etc. prior to deposition…. but she’s somehow going to find abundant courage to dismiss the case against GZ before a jury is allowed to render a verdict; having heard all the testimony, been sequestered, and…. well…. nevermind, you get the picture.

Ms. Nettles is not wrong in her analysis.   Nor are any of you.   All of y’all are brilliant and many of you have followed this far more closely than I.    We just disconnect on the key and central issue of this case:   it is not legal, it’s political.

A considerable chasm.   (ie. A profound difference between people)

Please understand, I have outlined previously my personal, and it is personal (albeit painstakingly researched), opinion of Mark O’Mara.   Even to the extent that I previously outlined twenty specific examples of why he is the wrong guy for the job.  Not only wrong, but insufferably, staggeringly wrong.  However, I accept that George Zimmerman and his entire family apparently have infinite faith in Mr. O’Mara.   So I digress…

….for more reasons than just unit cohesion.

I know this case is followed by many people.   (Heck, it would blow your mind if you knew the names of the people, famous people, who are seriously *in tune* with every nuance of this case, but will not speak/write about it due to the potential for incredible backlash)  I also know there is a very real and potential risk of financial retreat from supporters to Mr. Zimmerman if the defense issues are outlined with too much specificity.

(No-one wants to believe the outcome toward June is predetermined [read between the lines here]  So consequently much is not written)

Conversely, Mr. Don West is a man of courage and principle.   He has put his career on hold, heck, he quit his paying job, to join the defense of George Zimmerman as a matter of deeply held principle and belief.  He also does not book media time, nor have assembled media “sets” for public media appearances.  Nor is he planning/coordinating the media event summary for a publicity trial, collecting the contact internals and desk specifics for folks like the Miami Herald etc.   George Zimmerman is fortunate to have Don West on his side.

The second point of divergence between case reviewers and myself is probably best described as what George Zimmerman *is*.

The same people who believe this is a legal case also believe George Zimmerman is a man, an accused person, who is engaged in the judicial process.

He’s not.

George Zimmerman is a product.

In the political landscape, George is merely a product to be used for benefit, gain, influence and personal advancement.

The same product process that found the name Trayvon Martin being Trademarked all the way to the Rose Garden.

Those who simultaneously believe this is a legal case, and George Zimmerman is a person, are bound to interpret any activity in a fundamentally divergent light.   Hence, the apparent disconnect.

(link)…. and if you click it, read the whole thing please.
