Debbie Wasserman Schultz just stepped into the entire fiasco and made it one hundred times worse !

Yesterday the DNC Chairperson,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz, stated to CNN the reason Jerusalem was no longer recognized as the capital of Israel in the DNC Party Platform was because the platform….

“was simply following what the Obama administration policy is”…

Today, in a bizarre floor vote the platform was rapidly changed by the DNC to return the language of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel back into the platform. When asked why the turnaround Debbie Wasserman Schultz claims:

…”the change was to reflect the Presidents policy on Israel”.

Even the liberal CNN panel was shaking their head recognizing that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was tying herself into pretzel like contortions to deny the obvious. Debbie Wasserman Schultz also proclaims the floor vote was not reflective of discord.

Caught flat footed, facing the ridiculous positions, and exposed as a hypocritical liar, Debbie Wasserman Schultz promptly cancels all further media interviews and heads into hiding to figure out a damage control strategy.

