I am reposting the Trayvon 7-11 video from Diwataman for a several reasons.  First, it is simply an exceptional catch that deserves to be reposted.   From high altitude, or with only a casual glance, it might seem a little irrelevant, alas it is not.  It is very significant.

From the outset the entire story of altruistic Trayvon Martin headed to the 7-11 for his “brother” Chad was simply silly.  17-year-old kids do not go out in the rain, at night, and walk over a mile just to get dad’s girlfriend’s kid a bag of skittles.   Every intellectually honest person knew that story, while it might have sounded great -and was indeed Julianesque- was implausible.   This video, and DiwataMan’s discovery of Trayvon’s actual intent, reflects the far more believable explanation.
Secondly, the “Three Stooges” should be easy to identify because one of them used a debit card for his purchase, and they need to be interviewed by authorities.
Third, knowing Trayvon ended up with a cigar to make into a marijuana blunt, begs the obvious question “why was it not on him when he was shot”?   Generally a person would not smoke the entire thing en route home, no need too.  So where was it, and where was the accompanying blunt filler ie marijuana.?   Simple questions.
Fourth, combined with his intentional removal of his button from his jacket, and his placing his ear buds in his pockets, this deconstructs the entire narrative of why Trayvon took off running, and leads to the question of where did Trayvon end up physically located that allowed him to a) ditch the contraband, and b) remove the pin, ear buds, etc in preparation for the encounter/confrontation.
You see, when you are intellectually honest and ask these ‘reasonable’ questions based on the video, you end up with a scenario considerably different from what was originally sold by Benjamin Crump, Natalie Jackson and Ryan Julison.   Trayvon could not have been “hunted down”, chased and caught etc.

Lastly, again being intellectually honest, what did Trayvon have to fear from a chubby, short, white-hispanic guy sitting in his truck?    Street smart 17 year olds do not take off and run from ordinary people watching them, even if they are staring.   They run from one thing, and one thing only, the law;  Or people who are in contact with the law that are about to call in an inspection on you;   And then you only run if you have something you need to hide or get rid of before the cops show up.
The Three Stooges could answer a lot of questions about those 7-11 minutes.   In addition over the course of three days over 10,000 people have watched the newly revealing video on this site.  Considering links, posts to Facebook, and corresponding attachments somewhere around 25,000 people have viewed and shared that DiwataMan fact based analysis showing what Trayvon actually did at the 7-11, just in the past three days.
So where is the Main Stream Media following up on this?
Trayvon checked out from “his” purchase at 6:24. But as this video highlights he didn’t leave right away. About a minute after he walks out, 3 other rather dubious characters walk in.  We’ll call them the “Three Stooges”.   After they make their purchases and leave at 6:29 Trayvon is seen walking away outside the building. (*The narrator of this video is not associated with the Treehouse, he is an independent U-Tube video guy, and yes, he curses a little at the end. Sorry)

So what was Trayvon waiting outside for? And what did Trayvon and the 3 stooges coordinate after they left? Why did he wait around outside for approximately 5 minutes after he exited the 7-11? Indeed in watching the video, not only is it Trayvon but he is walking away partially backwards while departing with a farewell of sorts.

As far as what he asked Curly (the white guy – one of the 3 stooges) to buy. That question appears answered in the following video. Curly is holding the two bills that Trayvon held in his hand when he exited the building. Curly buys a blunt for Trayvon, and one more, presumably for himself, then after a pause he buys another and then heads outside while Moe (wearing a hoodie like Kenny from Southpark) makes his purchase with a debit card. Apparently while Moe is paying, Curly is outside giving Trayvon the Blunts.

Trayvon’s “blunt use” was well-known to his friends, and close circle, some of them even posted pictures in memorial of Trayvon after his death as captured below courtesy of Wagist:

Here is a video from Diwataman putting the entire thing together:

So lets recap what we know factually:

When checking out Trayvon put two dollar bills in his hand carrying the bag.

Trayvon finished his purchase at 6:24 and left the store.

A minute later, 6:25, Larry, Moe, and Curly enter the store.

Curly has two dollar bills in his hand, and initially buys two Blunts.

Curly decides to buy another blunt and goes into his own wallet for more money.

Curly leaves the building around 6:28 while Moe is checking out.

50 Seconds Later at 6:29 Trayvon is seen walking back toward the Retreat at Twin Lakes saying something in parting to someone standing near the entrance door.

At 6:30pm (according to phone records) Trayvon calls “DeeDee” back. Presumably while en route back home. Trayvon had his hands-free phone ear buds on when he left the 7-11. The Retreat is less than a half mile away. The actual Brandy Green Townhouse is .60/mile away.

Approximately 35 minutes after Trayvon leaves the 7-11 George Zimmerman sees Trayvon entering the retreat via the walk through “shortcut”.  At 7:09 George Zimmerman calls police while watching Trayvon at/near the “Club House”.

Trayvon is shot at 7:17pm according to the shot heard on the 911 call tapes.

It took Trayvon 40 minutes to walk less than 1/2 mile from the 7-11 (6:29pm to 7:09pm) to the clubhouse while talking to DeeDee?

The Skittles and Watermelon Juice were found on Trayvon’s body when he was shot, but not the blunt, partial blunt, or marijuana.

Marijuana was found to be present in the blood within Trayvon’s chest cavity.  The bullet pierced the heart and stopped normal blood flow.

According to the SPD  report: a 711 lighter, photo button, Skittles, and headphones were collected from within the victims pockets.   There were no marked or tagged crime scene photographs of any of these items suggesting they were outside the body, or clothing, of the victim at the time he was shot.  
