(Feel free to send your pictures to the Treehouse)

Chicago is ground zero for every element of the professional organization of the perpetually aggrieved.  Hippies that never grew up, their “Occupier” kids, Radicals, Left-Wing Anarchists, Code Pink Marxists, Progressives, Union Collectives and other affiliations.

Professional Anarcists

All bound in common cause and ideology by their collective sense of being consistently  afflicted, offended, treated unjustly, and generally denied what they perceive as their rights to stuff.
Code Pink

It’s not a lefty rally til the first Che signs show up

Lefty Lawyer Groups to make sure no-ones rights are infringed upon. Unless you are just trying to actually like, live, in Chicago right now….

Gotta have the unions too

Think they’ll use them?

Nah, probably not…

Its the anti-Treehouse parade

Trust Fund Babies…

Animals are the 99% ? Who knew?

Sucks to be HER 
