I’m in….

HatTip JRD(Reaganite) I don’t know about you, but so far this election year is just not anywhere near the fun as I thought it was going to be… getting screwed-over and treated like a pestering child has a way of ruining things every time.

And sure never expected Team Romney and the GOP old-guard to be adopting the tactics of the Left to destroy all in Mittens’ path, not to the degree we’ve seen: I long-ago had my fill of the heinous character assassinations after the MSM/RNC team job on Sarah Palin, but what they’ve done to Newt Gingrich -a man who’s done more for the conservative movement in this country than all the other candidates combined- is truly beyond the pale.

If this is the Republican Party in 2012… I’ll be quitting the day they coronate this scheming snake Romney. One hard-to-swallow strategy at that point would be to simply ignore the presidential contest this fall and fullyconcentrate on obtaining powerful congressional majorities to control and contain Obama (since Mittens is going to lose in the general anyway)… meanwhile, the investigations continue.

But keeping them grubby Mitts off the nomination is still the far preferable option… sure would be nice to be able to vote for somebody in November (only been counting-the-days for four years). Gradually Republicans are beginning to notice that the lightly-vetted GOP golden boy is a bumbling, insensitive gaffe machine of the first order… and are starting to wonder aloud re. what all the ‘electablility’ claptrap you hear everywhere is based upon.
Despite a political carpet-bombing campaign that was hugely successful in Florida, über-blogger Dan Riehl says the Republican establishment has seriously underestimated the resistance they face from the Right with a Romney nomination… many ‘level-headed’ conservatives are now putting much thought into how to derail his candidacy sooner, rather than later.

Thankfully, the primary race isn’t over, as the MSM and RNC might have you believe: Romney only has 7% of the delegates he needs, and there’s 46 states left to go here. I sure am disappointed in the failure of conservatives to rally around Gingrich -due primarily to the zombie campaign of Rick Santorum and relentless attack ads- but there ARE quite a number of things we can ALL do -particularly in states where Newt is not on the ballot- that can steer this thing towards victory yet for someone more conservative than Mittens.
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler (blog) has proposed ‘Confusion to Both Our Enemies, the idea being that voting for Obama is a non-starter, Romney is little better, and a Mittens nomination will only encourage them to put up more RINOs… not voting/going 3rd party really doesn’t help us much, either.

What to do if forced to face a false choice in November? Pragmatically vote GREEN Party: if they get 5% they will qualify for federal matching funds for their next campaign, splintering the Left for many elections to come, hopefully (!)  Other conservative parties only hurt us in the future, and for the same reason… something to think about since it’s only a protest vote.

But before it comes to that, the GOP nomination is still open: in Virginia -where Newt is not on the ballot- all conservatives could vote for Ron Paul, denying Romney the appearance nationwide of widespread support in the South. In Missouri where Newt is also not running, Santorum has pulled out a big lead over Romney there… that’s who I’d be voting for too if I was myself a Show-Me Republican.

In sum, we need to deny Romney any and every victory/delegate we can, by thinking and acting strategically.  This is our only way to ensure that the path to the nomination remains open for either Newt, Santorum, or…?  The RNC will win this battle if we allow Mitt Romney to wrap it up… NOW the time to resist: conservatives are the ones under attack, and like Trotsky said “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you!” In brief, fight or surrender… I’ve made my choice.

Speaking of pugnacious sorts, Former House Speaker Gingrich is currently gearing-up for a real competitive Super Tuesday, a battlefield that looks quite favorable to him, Yet as long as Santorum and Paul stay in it’s hard for him to win all he needs. But Romney isn’t getting 50% anywhere, either… see ya in Tampa, then.

I am openly requesting any ideas my friends and allies have out there for stopping Mittens from obtaining the nomination, or what to do if he does… will also consider guest posts on this topic: thousands of brains are better than one, you know- and we have just got to win this one (for the Gipper, if nothing else).    Visit Blog Here
