momHappy Mother’s Day to all our lady readers. We express our hope that this day of reflection on the gifts our mothers bring to the world in general, and to us in particular, is one filled with the joy of family and memories of the wonderful women in your life.
Motherhood doesn’t get as many good reviews as it used to. Our world is in a rush, and the hot ideas today are to make our lives all about us, to glory in being as selfish and self centered as possible. For those who choose to be parents nowadays, the world has shifted to encourage self indulgent children, bought off by distant and carefree moms who offer largesse instead of love.
Today is a day when almost everyone gets nostalgic about moms though. We remember her sacrifices, her strength, her absolute rock solid steadiness when the trials and fears of childhood sent us into her arms. We remember her instantly at our bedside when we were ill in the middle of the night, we remember her cheering for us at the ball field and applauding with joy at the ballet recitals, we remember her special cookies and her radiant smiles. We now, years later, recognize that her version of motherhood was built around sacrifice, and that she made that work in a joyful and steadfast good for her family and herself. We remember her hours in prayer, and now wonder how countless many she sent winging to heaven on our behalf, and again, years later, recognize the blessings her faith and prayers brought us, in answer, and in example.
Today we celebrate feminism in all it’s infinite gift and glory. Thanks, Mother, for choosing life, for choosing us. Today, we return a tiny portion of the grateful prayers for you.
