The CNN prime-time debate begins at 8:30pm – It is broadcast on all CNN media outlets and is available HERE:

cnn debate lineup 12-13

Please share your comments and perspectives in the comment section.

It is anticipated the CNN approach will be to frame everything around overt and covert attacks against the GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

Toward that end it makes sense Chris Christie was placed in the prime-time debate as a GOPe/RNC tool.  If the debate qualifications to allow Christie into the prime-time debate had not taken place there would only have been 7 candidates on the stage with Donald Trump.  Both Christie and Rand Paul would have been bumped down.

If Christie and Paul were bumped to the lower-tier Fiorina and Kasich would have been the book ends for the center five viable candidates.

The predictive value puts Christie in the position of “attack dog” against Trump and defending Jeb.   The original GOPe road-map always appeared to have Christie positioned to take lead in the attack AFTER New Hampshire (Feb 2016).   If Christie goes on the attack tonight, to benefit the GOPe, against Trump it is merely speeding up a process already planned for.

CBS has already booked, locked and loaded a pre-debate interview with Christie (seen below), perhaps in anticipation of the storyline upon debate exit.

chris christie

Something “sketchy” this way comes?

It is, after all, December 15th – the date Jeb Bush earlier stated would be the demise of candidate Donald Trump – and Christie would be a great Brutus.

Remember from August:

[…]  The best way to do it is how Brutus killed Caesar. Get real close, snuggle up, and shiv him in the ribs.

~ Alex Castellanos

alex castellanos


Where “it” is the elimination of Donald Trump.
