A summary outline presented by Lou Dobbs frames the discussion.

However, beyond the Wall Street/Globalist anti-Trump campaign, for many the question is essentially a simple one; because there are five key issues.

Which candidate supports:

GOP candidates TPP

  • Border Security and stopping the illegal alien influx, to include enforcement of current law and repatriation of the lawless.
  • The rebuke of the anti-U.S. worker Trans Pacific Trade deal (TPP). Guaranteeing the U.S. does not sign up or approve the deal.
  • The elimination of Common Core federalization of education standards.
  • The repeal of ObamaCare and replacement with common sense, structural healthcare insurance reforms.
  • Getting back to fiscal discipline, back to actually using a budget process, and putting the nation’s fiscal house back on a track to solvency.

Of course there are “other issues”, including many social issues, which play into specific groups of the electorate. The ground-up restructuring of the Veterans Administration to break through the bureaucratic blockages for military families and veterans, might also be considered a key topic.

However, sticking to the five large issues outlined above – when you look at the issues that impact people, and where each of the candidates aligns, the field of candidates dissipates quickly.

Wall Street (et al) and the global financial systems that permeate the objectives therein, are all represented by the Chamber of Commerce and their legislative priorities. Through the K-Street lobbyists, the U.S. CoC is pushing for:

  • Comprehensive immigration reform to include amnesty.
  • Completion, via financial dependency, with Common Core federal education standards.
  • The full implementation of ObamaCare without repeal.
  • Passage of the Trans Pacific Trade deal.
  • Continuation of aggressive federal deficit spending.

So you can clearly see, the U.S. CoC legislative priorities, ie. Wall Street’s interests, are 180° divergent from what “most” middle America would support.

There is only one candidate who stands against the CoC legislative priorities in all manner, form and construct. That candidate is Donald Trump.

Trump banner 2

It’s that simple !

and that is also why his overall supportive base cannot be swayed, intimidated or deterred. There simply is NO OTHER candidate representing all of those basic 2016 Presidential issues.
