Yes, it’s that time of year when the “Omnibus” spending kicks into overdrive.  Washington DC loves it when the electorate are distracted with the Holiday Festivities.

paul ryan 1This year we taxpayers get yet another round of usurpation from the Progressive Republican GOPe critters, led now by Paul Ryan, who infect the spending body.

SPEAKER Ryan and his team of spending enthusiasts is getting ready to “bail out”, meaning give, the ObamaCare health insurance carriers an influx of EVEN MORE money:

WASHINGTON DC – […]  Negotiators are not close to a deal but are looking seriously at the framework discussed by Senate Finance Committee member Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., when the latter served as Ways and Means chair, tax lobbyists and House staffers said. The two lawmakers were unable to agree on the level of funding for highway programs, and negotiations stalled.

According to tax lobbyists and House staffers, the tentative deal now under consideration is being developed by all congressional leaders and the White House. The extenders are likely to be attached to the omnibus budget legislation expected to pass Congress by December 11.

The plan under consideration would also delay the medical device tax in exchange for additional funding for ACA risk corridors, which is a program that allows federal payments to insurers to offset high losses in the initial years of the ACA. (read more)

But yet they’ll swear, SWEAR, they are doing all they can to remove ObamaCare.



mcconnell-cornynHouse Budget Chairman Paul Ryan

