Dana Perino and Megyn Kelly give high-fives !!  Watch for it….

A newly released poll by Mommouth University shows Ben Carson pulling even with Donald Trump in Iowa.  The Poll Data shows three important aspects:

  • #1) Dr Carson finding large gains in Iowa support from Evangelical Women who don’t like the Tea Party;
  • #2) The entire GOPe “splitter team” at 27% (w/ 10% Fiorina); and, more alarmingly
  • #3) 67% Favorable opinion of Carly Fiorina.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets a supporter following her address at the 18th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum at Columbia University in New York April 29, 2015. (REUTERS/Brendan McDermid)

The full Monmouth University poll data is embedded below.  However, the key aspect to focus on is one we’ve outlined already; the push for Ben Carson is a Team Jeb media strategy – and yes, ideological employees do what their ideologically aligned employers perceive as favorable.
Jeb Bush sycophant Dana Perino and anti-Trump acolyte Megyn Kelly have been pushing Dr. Ben Carson as a non-vulgarian alternative for Donald Trump.  (please pay attention to the tweet dates/times below – studying actionable behavior is not conspiracy theory)
Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox's Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)
Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox’s Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)

Watch how this rolls out; the delivery is brutally obvious for anyone who has eyes to see and an open mind to grasp the larger picture as it has been continually presented.
In order for the GOPe Road Map to be successful Donald Trump must be removed at all costs.  The entire weight of the establishment political apparatus have collectively tried to take him out with direct attacks.  They’ve failed.
In addition to their failure, they’ve also failed to hold/retain the individual unit support needed to suceeed within the construct of the road map as it is planned.  Most notably is the electorate’s complete lack of willingness to accept the primary candidate, Jeb Bush.
The next logical approach of the GOPe is to drive Trump’s base of support down by using the formula they are already familiar with, “splitting”.
The advancement of Ben Carson is simply a strategy amid like-minded ideological entities, cocktail class republicans and those who float amid the same social and political circles; each of whom benefit from the removal of the vulgarian.  The status quo must be maintained at all costs.
There are nine “Republican party insiders” on the team to elect Jeb Bush:  (Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Rick Perry, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore).
The road map was constructed with Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Rand Paul as the “anti-Bush” candidates whom they were all organized to defeat.  You have to look back to the 2014 candidate reviews and opinions to understand how each ‘non-Jeb’ was considered at the time the Road Map was constructed for Jeb.
Like Bobby Jindal and Rick Santorum, Dr. Ben Carson is not part of that “insider” team, but Carson is an entirely useful tool for their purposes at this moment.  Hence promote Carson is a mantra not to present the resounding qualifications of a Caron presidential bid, but rather to diminish the risk presented by the continued advancement of Donald Trump.

The Monmouth poll data on Carly Fiorina clearly shows there is a significant part of the electorate who don’t know how deeply entrenched she is inside the establishment GOPe.  As a former spokesperson inside both the McCain and Romney campaigns (it was Mitt Romney who convinced Fiorina to join the team) Carly is as much a part of the apparatus as Jeb Bush himself.
On the VERY positive side, the best weapon to defeat this scheme is the sunlight within the candidate financing.   Keep a close eye on the Super-PACs and who, what, they are funding.   The hidden money behind Carson will stem from the GOPe.
If Donald Trump wants to ‘play-an-ace’ and expose the ruse – he only needs to do something like ask each candidate if they would be willing to publicly request their Super-PAC to release their donor information.   The anxiety this would create would be transparently uncomfortable for all the handlers.
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GOP primary 2
Just a Reminder, this is an insurgency. – The modern enemy of Wall Street is Main Street vulgarians. The enemy of the RNC/GOPe is not Democrats, it’s Grassroots Conservatives, more vulgarians.
The Republican Party, and the Republican media apparatus, view us as their enemy. We are the enemy they need to protect themselves from:

In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.
That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

With 18 GOP presidential candidates, for now, it will be that much harder for any candidate to win a majority in any state, let alone eight. (Article July 2015)

GOP-versus-Tea-PartyNow, ask yourself, why would the RNC want to “stymie a movement candidate“? Who exactly does that benefit? Obviously, the “non-movement” candidate, ie “the turtle“.
Isn’t the entire reason for campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina etc. to make a movement/momentum?
In addition Rule #40 changed in 2014 from previously five needed state wins, to a newer threshold of eight (8):

Officially, it’s Rule 40 in the RNC handbook and it states that any candidate for president “shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the delegates from each of eight (8) or more states” before their name is presented for nomination at the national convention. (article March 2014)

Again, ask yourself who does this benefit? A candidate can win seven states outright, and still not have their name presented for nomination?
These rules were made/affirmed in 2014 – Who or what exactly was the GOP concerned about blocking in 2016 that would necessitate such rules? When combined with other rule changes you can clearly identify a consolidation of power within the RNC apparatus intentionally constructed to stop the candidate of the GRASSROOTS from achieving victory.

It’s all part of their GOPe Roadmap.

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update-1 Reference and Resources:

RNC Rule Changes
RNC Rule Battles

  1. Following The Money
  2. The GOPe Roadmap
  3. ♦ The Roles of The Players – “The Splitters
  4. ♦ How each candidate is aligned in the Roadmap
  5. ♦ Arrow #1 Trump Hits The Super-PACs – The GOPe Achilles Heel
  6. ♦ Arrow #2 Trump Hits Bush – Inside The Wall Street Fortress
  7. ♦ Arrow #3 Trump Cuts Off Rubio/Bush switch – The GOPe Switch
  8. ♦ The Rick Perry Tripwire Exposed – DC Super-Pac
  9. ♦ Jeb Bush Super-Pac Will immediately spend $10 Million
  10. ♦ Proving there is only one political party in Washington DC
  11. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part One (The GOPe Ruse)
  12. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Two (Stop being played)
  13. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Three (Intellectual Details)
  14. ♦ How To Defeat the GOPe Road Map
  15. ♦ Current Polling Exposes – the Ohio, Florida, Texas, Virginia, New York Splitters