Earlier today Samantha Power was designated to play the role of ‘good cop’, and make the case, albeit difficult given her life’s work to undermine Israel, that President Obama and the current U.S. administration support Israel.

However, later this evening Susan Rice was designated to play the role of ‘bad cop’, and tell the AIPAC audience that despite their desires and wishes the Obama administration is going to allow Iran to have nuclear capabilities.

As part of her attempt to explain, Rice stated:

“I know some of you would be urging congress to insist that Iran forgo it’s domestic enrichment capacity, entirely”

AWKWARD – the audience then erupts in uncomfortable applause to express their affirmation of that principle – yes, exactly!

Yet, Rice had to deliver the bad news…..  in the opinion of her boss, President Obama, “it is not achievable” !

The awkwardness continues as Susan Rice says: 

…”I know some would argue that we should just impose sanctions and walk away”…

Awkwardness 2.0 Because that’s exactly what the audience shares.

What Susan Rice and her likeminded leftist cohorts seem to intellectually disconnect acceptance of – is the wildly divergent difference between expecting Iran to forgo that which they have learned (impossible), and a deliberate expectation toward them to NOT UTILIZE the capability they have acquired (entirely possible).  The former belief focuses on knowledge, the later principle focuses on behavior.

For Team Obama, when it comes to Iran, the emphasis is on the wrong expectation !
